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Culture > Entertainment

What You Should be Watching on Netflix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Looking for something new to watch on Netflix that will make you laugh? Here’s my list of the funniest comedy specials on Netflix.

“John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch”

I’ve watched John Mulaney’s hilarious new comedy special featuring skits and songs with kids at least five times by now.

Sebastian Maniscalco “Stay Hungry”

This skilled comedian is super funny and jokes about the public’s stupidity and his life with an Italian father. Anybody with even a slight percentage of Italian in them can relate to this guy’s jokes. 

“When They See Us”

This four-episode documentary tells the story of the “Central Park Five”, a group of young African American boys that were falsely convicted of rape and the murder of a woman in Central Park in 1989.

“The Society”

This new series is about a class of high school students that return home to a completely empty town after their school trip gets cut short. This show is sort of like “Lord of the Flies” meets Lost. Even if you didn’t like Golding’s book when you were in high school, you’re going to like this show. 

“The Haunting of Hill House” 

In this intense show, a family confronts traumatizing memories of growing up in a haunted house. Don’t believe in ghosts? You might change your tune after watching the first episode… 


If you pee your pants or end up crying, then please don’t shoot the messenger. 

My name is Amanda Precopio, and I am currently a senior Film Media major at the University of Rhode Island. I am one of the Campus Correspondents for URI's HerCampus Chapter!