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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

As thanksgiving approaches the excitement increases and dreams of plates full of food become distracting during class. Thanksgiving break is a great time to take a deep breath before finals and catch up with family and friends. While it’s tradition for many families to go around the table and say what they’re thankful for, there are quite a few things that we take for granted every day.

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1. Education

Even through all the exams, assignments, stress, all-nighters and tears, receiving an education is a huge privilege. The women of the past fought for the opportunity to be educated and there are still women around the world today who are unable to receive a proper education. As women, we should be thankful that we are provided with the ability to achieve the education we are receiving.

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2. The Internet

As many stories as our parents may tell, it can be difficult to imagine a world without WiFi. Not only do we have access to crazy amounts of information and entertainment online, most of us are able to access it through a device we can carry in our pocket. We can easily communicate with people oceans away and receive notifications from our favorite celebrities. Very recently, none of this was possible. Something that is such a habitual part of our daily lives is easily taken for granted and taking a step back to recognize the power of the internet shows just how grateful we should be to have grown-up with Google.

Photo By Andre Furtado-Pexels

3. Photographs

In today’s digital age, it’s hard to go a day without taking a selfie. Whether silly or serious, photos are the easiest way to capture and remember a lot of specific information about a moment in time. From every day activities to important life events, the ability to freeze time with a photo is an incredible capability that deserves appreciation.

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4. Nature

Every day we are surrounded by beautiful sunrises, sunsets, trees, flowers and in Rhode Island, beautiful ocean views. There is beauty in so many little things around us that we often forget to stop and appreciate the beautiful planet that we live on. It’s important to learn to love our surroundings and beautiful environment.

Biological Sciences major at the University of Rhode Island. In my free time you can find me dancing, watching football, or cooking vegetarian meals!