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Real Relationship Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Social media is flooded with all of these “relationship goals” which seriously shouldn’t be goals at all. If you’re looking for a relationship that is actually worth having with someone, goals such as getting king and queen tattoos, having matching Jordans, or an overly clingy significant other texting you they love you 7 times in 5 minutes, should not be a goal you want to achieve.

What are some real relationship goals people should actually be looking for?

1. Dating someone who isn’t afraid to challenge you, and keeps you level-headed.

Let them break you out of your comfort zone and get you to try things you wouldn’t have before you met them. Experience everything the world has to offer you.

2. Dating someone who is pushing you towards doing your best in school, as well as at work, or any other aspect of your life.

Don’t let someone hold you back from achieving any of your goals. Date someone who is going to help lift you up to reach them.

3. Dating someone you can truly be yourself with.

You shouldn’t be afraid to like something or say what’s on your mind because you’re scared that your boyfriend or girlfriend will not like you for it. If you cannot be your true self, you are with the wrong person.

4. Dating someone who doesn’t expect anything in return.

Don’t get caught up dating someone who only does things for you so that you will do something for them. Go for the person who wants to do things for you simply because they want to. There is nothing better than someone who wants to go out of their way to do something for you, just to make you smile.

5. Being treated like the queen or king you deserve to be treated as.

Never settle for less than what you deserve. If you aren’t being treated like royalty, or are constantly being placed on the back burner, get. out. You will find someone else who will appreciate everything about you, even the things you consider “bad”. You should be with someone who loves you for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

6. Dating someone who will actually go on dates with you.

Are dates not a thing anymore? Snuggling up and watching a movie is great, but not a “date.” Be with someone who will take you to the movies, or mini-golfing, or to a nice dinner every once in a while.  Dates don’t have to be expensive, but they should happen.

7. Dating someone who makes you feel at home.

Home is your safe zone. You are comfortable there, worry less, and can relax. You should want to date someone who is your “home.” Someone who you are relieved to see instead of worried about seeing. There is no greater feeling than when “home” is not just a place, but also a person.



No relationships are ever picture perfect. There are arguments, good times, and bad times. But when you are dating someone who has any of these aspects (and if you’re lucky enough, all of these aspects), those relationships are something you should cherish. They will be the ones who will love you through the bad times, instead of giving up when the times get tough.

Everybody deserves love, and everybody deserves to be loved right. So, don’t go for the superficial relationship goals. Have some real goals, be happy, and madly in love.

URI Class of 2016. Health promotion major, Kinesiology minor, from Massachusetts. Sub-par lacrosse player, expert pizza eater. I'm probably obsessed with your dog. Follow me on Instagram: @tamelesss or Twitter: @tameless