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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Photo by Crystal Shaw on Unsplash

Our generation has constantly been labeled as being bad, a generation that is “screwed” for the future and yet all of us are accomplishing things that other generations could not have imagined. 

But yes, do I think that in some ways our generation’s morals and actions are twisted? Yes! The fact that ghosting someone has become acceptable is wrong. The fact that getting black-out drunk every weekend is a norm for some students in college. Popularity is based off of your involvement in Greek life, the number of likes you get on an Instagram post or the number of republishes you get on VSCO. The assumption that everyone smokes a Juul, weed or other forms of e-cigarettes. But then again, older generations are known for being weed smokers, dropping out of school and being overall bad kids, yet we are viewed as bad.

Although at times our morals and actions are twisted, we contribute a lot of good things. We are going to be the future thinkers and leaders of the world. We are going to be able to do what those could not do for us. Some people may not have good work ethic at their part-time job but have a good work ethic when it comes to getting through college and even getting accepted into graduate programs. Some are first-generation college graduates and get no recognition for that. 

Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

Every generation is different. Each faced different struggles, but that does not mean that the older generation can get away with looking down on us. I feel as though every time I get asked what I am studying in school or how old I am, I receive a dirty look that comes along with judgment from an older adult. But why? It’s my life, not yours. You made the choices you made and ended up where you are. I am making the choices I want to make and I believe they are the right choices. 

Before you go and judge other generations, stop and think about when other generations criticized you and how that made you feel. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all! 

I'm Natalie Prisco and I am a Senior at the University of Rhode Island majoring in Kinesiology on the Physical Therapy track. I am one of the Campus-Correspondents at URI. In my free time you can catch me going to the gym, hanging out with friends or binge watching Netflix.