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Meet Our Editor In Chief: Bridget Shannon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Bridget Shannon

Editor in Chief and Campus Correspondent

I’m not a morning or a night person, I’m an all day person.​

Name: Bridget Shannon

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Hometown: Rochester, New York

Major: Journalism

HC URI Position: Campus Correspondent, Editor-In-Chief

A quote you live by: “Always remember to fall asleep with a dream, and wake up with a purpose.”

Describe yourself in three words: Outgoing, Caring, Driven

Which fruit would you be and why? A pineapple. They stand tall, they have a crown, and they’re sweet on the inside.

Something on your bucket list. Have lunch with Anna Wintour.

What’s your dream job? Becoming an editor for Vogue, and working alongside Anna Wintour.

If you could eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be? A little Italian restaurant called Da Mario’s in Kensington, London, UK.

If you could go to one place it the world RIGHT NOW, where would it be? Greece. It looks stunning and have always wanted to go!

Hey everyone! My name is Cassie and I am from Connecticut. I am a junior at URI majoring in pharmaceutical sciences. I am not entirely sure what I want to do with that major yet but hey, that's what college is for! I am obviously a apart of the URI Her Campus chapter and I am also a member of the Colleges Against Cancer here at URI. In this club, we plan the annual URI Relay for Life which is held down in Mackal Field House. I am so excited for our Her Campus launch and to be writitng weekly articles for you all :)