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Living on Your Own: Expectation vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Moving out on your own can be overwhelming to say the least. We anticipate escaping from the comforts of our parents’ home for most of our lives. Although having your own place definitely beats living the dorm life, the responsibilities that come with being a ‘real adult’ can get pretty bad. At times it seems that living on your own sounds much better than it actually is so don’t worry if this article sounds extremely familiar.

“Now that I’m on my own I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.”

Expectation: No parents = no rules.

Reality: Landlords = leases.

“I can definitey afford to live on my own, everyone my age is doing it.”

Expectation: Utilities can’t be that expensive.

Reality: Electricity is a luxury.

“I’m going to have so many awesome parties, everyone will be talking about it.”

Expectation: I am legendary.

Reality: Cleaning is not…

“I’m going to buy tons of healthy food and make such great meals.”

Expectation: I’m an amazing cook.

Reality: I picked a great location for free delivery.

“Adults always do productive things with their free time, I need a new hobby.”

Expectation: I feel like a new person.

Reality: What’s a hobby?

“I can’t wait to be super clean and organized.”

Expectation: I’m so LC.

Reality: What color is my carpet?

“I’m going to plan so many sophisticated dinners with all my friends.”

Expectation: We’re so classy.

Reality: This is my third meal alone today.

“I’m definitely going to get the cutest puppy to love me unconditionally.”

Expectation: The only boy I need.

Reality: This fish will have to do.

“Finally, the temperature of my house won’t have to accomodate mom’s hot flashes.”

Expectation: Clothing optional.

Reality: Can’t turn the heat up, I need more layers.

“I’m going to decorate so well, I should really be majoring in interior design.”

Expectation: This place is rad.

Reality: Take out menus are trendy, ok.

“Now that I’m being responsible I will totally cut down on alcohol.”

Expectation: New year, new me.

Reality: Messed up Monday, Tipsy Tuesday, Wasted Wednesay, Thirsty Thursday… You get the point.

“I’ve never felt so ready to be on my own.”

Expectation: I am literally so independent.

Reality: *Calls parents for the 3rd time today*

“Everyone is going to be so impressed with how grown up I am.”

Expectation: Hello adulthood!

Reality: This is too hard, can I try again next year?

Marketing major. Beer enthusiast. Lover of sports, adventures, and movies... but first, coffee.