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Health Vagina Sex Periods Std Feminism
Molly Longest / Her Campus

A Little Self TLC Won’t Hurt!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Between juggling a social life, school, work, and other adult responsibilities, life can sometimes seem as though the world is on your back. There are days and moments you wish you could just pause and relax for a bit, and I’m here to tell you that not only is it what you deserve, but it’s something you should consider doing often! Here is a list of things that I include in my self-care routine for those days when I’m feeling especially drained.


1. Take a social media break. Even if it’s just for an hour a day, social media can be mentally taxing so when you first wake up I don’t like to immediately go straight to my phone.


2. Meditation! Become one with your body mind and soul; this and/or yoga are really good to do at the beginning and end of your day to set the tone for the rest of your day and night. Clear your mind with some breathing exercises as well. 


3. Write it out! A great catharsis I’ve learned is to journal your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It’ll literally feel like a significant weight has been lifted from your shoulders.


4. Take a bubble bath. Yep. Fill the tub with your favorite scented or non-scented bath salts, light a candle, pour in some soap and just vibe-out. This might be a little hard to do on campus, but a nice dimly lit shower is almost as good. 

5. Order your favorite food and binge-watch the latest season of your favorite show (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, anyone?)

6. Speak positive affirmations in the air or into your reflection in a mirror. The only validation you need is from yourself. 

Journalism major. Its’s ya girl! Xoxo, Seeonbothsidez