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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Dear URI Student, 

I remain a mystery to you, though you probably think about me daily. I will determine how you spend your days, where you live, and maybe even the family you have. I know that you are fearful of my mystery right now; you worry that I will not be enough for you. You worry that you will settle for me. Maybe you have an idea of who I might be, or maybe I have eluded you to the point of sheer confusion. What I do not want from you is panic. You are in the right place at the right time. You can keep me in your thoughts, but do not let me consume your mind because that will only hinder our meeting.

I apologize if I have caused you stress, but you have worked hard to find me. If you follow your heart, I will make you happy. Do not settle for less than what makes you happy. I can guarantee we will meet eventually. I will sustain you, I will fill you with love, and you will understand that together we have a place in the world. Be courageous, and hold your head up high. Walk through campus with confidence. Do not be silly and compare yourself to others- other people have different destinies- this letter is purely from me to you. You are stronger than you realize.

Please, breathe life to me, don’t force yourself on a worried road to me. I will come to you in time. Life will lead you to me, and I will make you happy.


With love and patience, 

Your Perfect Future Career

Hi! My name is Alyssa Houlis, and I am a senior English major with a business minor. I have enjoyed my studies at URI for all of the opportunities I get to write and explore the lovely language that is English. I am excited to see what opportunities will present themselves once I graduate from lil' Rhody! In my free time, you will probably catch me hugging a tree, painting, or skating!