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How to Be the Best Roommate You Can Be

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Having a great roommate is critical to having a great time at school, but living with someone is a two way street. Your roommate is the person that you’re with most during the year. You guys don’t have to be the best of friends (although if you are, it’s a huge plus) but being on the same page and having mutual respect for each other generates a positive environment in your own room. Your room should not be somewhere that you dread having to go to. Being the best roommate you can possibly be will raise your room standards to what it should be. By doing your part and being an awesome roommate, the two of you are bound to get along and have a successful year.

Keep your side clean.

Who wants to live in a messy room? It will go a long way if your side is tidy. Being in a messy environment can cause stress because nobody wants to live in an unsanitary room.

Don’t have friends over 24/7.

And if you’re going to have them over, ask. Hopefully you and your roommate have a comfortable enough relationship to be honest to each other. If she says no, respect it and find somewhere else to hang out.

If you’re going home, bring her back something!

Whenever you take a trip back home, it will never hurt to think of your roommate. Bring her back some cupcakes from your favorite bakery or ice cream from your favorite ice cream parlor.  She will greatly appreciate it.

Be there for her when she needs it, but give her space when she needs space.

Since you’re living together, you’re bound to see each other during good times, but also in bad times. If your roomie is having a bad day, it is crucial to offer her a helping hand, but give her space if she seems like she needs it.

Keep a positive attitude.

Nobody wants to live with a Debbie Downer. If you come into the room every time with a negative attitude or something to complain about, it will ruin both your vibes. Staying positive can really make a roommate relationship better and make your humble abode a “happy place.”

Show consideration for her belongings.

If you want to borrow something, ask. She’ll most likely say yes because who doesn’t love sharing clothes?! If not, it’s not the end of the world. Think about how angry you would get if your younger sibling took something from you without asking; it’s the same with a roommate! Respecting each other’s things is very important to having a successful roommate experience.

Speak your mind.

Is there something that your roommate has been doing that’s really bothering you? Tell her! No problems will ever get fixed without speaking up. After a while, anger will just build up and could cause further problems, so letting her know why you’re annoyed sooner rather than later is the best way to go.

Don’t be loud when she’s trying to study or sleep.

There’s nothing worse than wanting it to be quiet and not being able to get it. If you notice that your roommate is trying to sleep or study but you aren’t, this would be a good time to go somewhere else or put headphones in to watch whatever you’re watching.

Keep her secrets.

As roommates, there isn’t much that’s kept private. You’re spending almost every minute of every day together for the majority of months out of the year, therefore when she confides in you, let her know that you have her back. Keeping your roommates personal life to yourself will be greatly appreciated, because you would want her to do the same!

Have a good time.

Like I said, you’re spending the majority of the year with her, so make it fun! Go out together, watch movies, have girls nights or do whatever it is that will make each of your years more enjoyable.