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7 Types of Roommates You Will Have in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Whether you are in a dorm, in an apartment or renting an off-campus house, you most likely live with more than one other person. College is the time where you notice the weird habits that your roommates have or the way that they live. Here is a list of the different types of roommates that you may encounter in your college experience and even post-grad.


1. The Neat Freak

This roommate is the one that wakes up and has to immediately start cleaning. The one that claims their room is a mess when the only thing on the floor is a sweatshirt and their bed isn’t perfectly made. Be careful eating in front of this one because they might try to vacuum right underneath you. 


2. The Morning Person 

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

This roommate is awake before the sun is up. The one that purposely plans their schedule off the fact that they are up and fully-functioning before the hour of 8 a.m. They think that getting up early will help them accomplish everything on their to-do list, but I can tell you from experience that waking up an hour later and after 9 a.m., you will still get everything done.  


3. The Night Owl 

The one roommate that is up until the late hours of the night and into the early hours of the next morning. The one that finds they are more productive once everyone else is asleep or just has insomnia. 


4. The Slob 

Photo by Ferenc Horvath on Unsplash

Their clutter spills into everyone elses personal space. Their floor is lost under the piles of clothes, food and school books. They tend to leave a trail behind with whatever they are doing and eating. 


5. The Annoying One

This roommate is the one that just does things, says things or reacts a certain way which results in your friend group being annoyed. They most likely will not know that they are the annoying roommate. Once you realize that they are acting this way, the little things that they do and say will annoy you even more. 


6. The One That Is Just There 

Photo by Johanna Dahlberg on Unsplash

This roomate is the one that is always there. There isn’t anything bad or necessarily good about them. They might be a little funny in some situations and can be themselves. 


7. The Brainiac 

Their nose is always in a book, assignment or study guide of sorts. They are about 10 steps ahead of the class, can recite unnecessary information and have a close to perfect GPA. This is the one that you need to study with!!! 


And honestly who knows, you might be one type of roommate or two different types, but when it comes down to it, just enjoy whatever the situation is because someday you might miss it. 




I'm Natalie Prisco and I am a Senior at the University of Rhode Island majoring in Kinesiology on the Physical Therapy track. I am one of the Campus-Correspondents at URI. In my free time you can catch me going to the gym, hanging out with friends or binge watching Netflix.