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6 Reasons You Miss Your High School Music Program

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

You never know what how much something impacts you until it’s a memory. No matter how old you get, it’s always a great idea to reminisce on all the past experiences you’ve had in your life. Isn’t it crazy how because of your past, your destiny was formed? For me, one specific experience I will cherish forever was the music program in my high school. It gave me confidence and a drive to follow things that I love doing. I was fortunate enough to have been apart of an amazing family: The Music Department.


There was nothing like walking down the music hallway. I know that I can say for everyone else that it was like our second home, or “safe.” As you walked down the hallway you always felt a sense of relief because it was isolated from the “real” high school world. You can hear beautiful melodies and harmonies being played from the orchestra, band and chorus room. Although overwhelming at first hearing it bunched together, separately unique and what some of us liked to say was “ear-gasmic.”


The music hallway included band, chorus and orchestra. Although we shared music in different types of ways we all had one thing in common: passion. Passion was that extra drive we each had within our musical pumping veins. Passion is what set ourselves apart from the sports teams and clubs. We had passion for putting on a show of greatness.


Those four years of my life were filled with unforgettable memories, long lasting friendships, discovery within myself, and of course, endless music that you either wanted to jam out or relax to. I’ll never forget the first time I was chosen to sing a solo for my concert. I felt a sense of pride, belonging and purpose. The music program gave me a passion to wake up and look forward to something every morning. Who knew that one solo made such an impact on me.


It was because of the friendships and lessons that I now know kept me from letting go when I graduated. There’s nothing like the music program that fills my heart the way that it did. I miss it every day. I’m proud to say that I was apart of a program with such amazing reputation. Looking back, I am so, incredibly thankful for everything that the music program gave me. 


1.     Being able to joke around with your instructor

We all know that who ever was our instructor was basically “Mom” or “Dad”. They’re one of the hardest working people we know and truly made your high school experience worth  it.

2.     The bus rides

“Down By The Bay” was totally acceptable when traveling to the middle school performances. You can never go wrong.

3.     The fact that we sound amazing and make great music. It always hit the feels.

We all got chills at the same exact time.

4.     The traditions that come with being apart of a music group

Traditions are what brings everyone together across generations and grades.

5.     It was totally acceptable to spend lunch or your off period in your music groups room

Who doesn’t want to listen to amazing music anyways? No matter what age, you had friends in every single grade because of music so it didn’t matter what period you stopped in to say hi to people.

6.     You were part of something bigger than yourself

Here’s to the memories that made high school the greatest experience of my life. 

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.