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5 Tips for Speeding Up Your Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Waking up for class is a struggle. Getting ready for class is another. Many of us college students just aren’t morning people. For all of us who struggle to get ready every morning, here are some tips on how to make it faster and easier. And how to avoid being late.

1. Pick out your outfit the night before.

Take advantage of the weather app. Check the temperature for the next day and lay out your outfit for the morning. This can save SO much time for us girls who just can’t decide what is most comfortable yet stylish.

2. Take your coffee to go.

Making coffee at home is faster and cheaper. If you love your Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts flavors, you can buy K-cups and your morning will be much faster.

3. Shower the night before.

Showering in the morning comes along with taking time to do your hair and make-up too. Showering the night before is an easy way to take 20 minutes off your morning routine.

4. Take your breakfast to go.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; so even though you may be in a rush, do not skip it. Take an on-the-go breakfast item with you like a granola bar or a piece of fruit.

5. Organize your bag the night before.

For those who like to pack snacks, or switch which textbooks you bring to class every other day, get it ready the night before. You don’t want to be rushing and forget something.

Now you can take your time walking to class, so you’re not looking all disheveled and sweaty- You’re looking your best!

I'm a sophomore business major at URI. I'm from River Edge, New Jersey. I find joy in surrounding myself with my favorite people and making the best out of every situation. But i also find joy in eating food and laying in my bed.