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12 Signs Spring Has Sprung At URI

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Even though this past winter was milder than most of New England winter’s past,  we are all too grateful for Punxsutawney Phil’s forecast of an early spring.  Turns out his prediction was right, because we are seeing some telltale signs of our favorite Rhody season two weeks early.  I’m not talking about the traditional signs: greener grass, warmer weather, or leaves and flowers budding.  

This is how we, at URI, know it’s spring.


1.  You see people laying on the quad in between classes.

As soon as it’s warm enough, the quad becomes the top spot to unwind inbetween (or instead of) class.


2.  You see the tightrope walkers.

You know, the people who set up a tightrope inbetween the trees on the quad?


3.  You see the hammocks.

Another URI quad exclusive.  Gatta love Mother Nature, those trees are quite useful. 


4.  You smell weed…like everywhere.

We aren’t called URhIgh for nothin’.  Not that it doesn’t usually reek of the devil’s lettuce on campus, but the warmer weather definitely makes recreational-campus-cannibus more prominent.


5.  You get free Del’s.

This soft, frozen lemonade is a Rhode Island special, and is somtimes handed out on the quad.  


6.  You debate signing up for Oozeball.

Wanna compete in a volleyball tournement that takes place in a pit of mud? 


7.  You almost get killed by a skateboarder whipping down the hills on campus.

Ahhh how I missed being nearly run over by speeding skate and/or longboarders on my daily commute to class.


8.  You can spot a frat star from a mile away.

Bro, sick Sperry’s and pastel shorts, Guy.


9.  You can guarantee someone is going to be wearing the same shoes as you.

White hightop converse are a spring fashion staple.


10.  You know when Brickley’s reopens.

Or at least you do now, March 17th.


11.  You darty.

I’m not sure if anything will ever top the riot that was Greenefest 2014, but I guarantee we will try.  Chances are if it’s 48 degrees or higher, someone in Eastward is day drinking.


12.  You skip class to go to the beach

How am I supposed to sit through this 50 minute lecture when I can be stretched out at Scarborough?

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.