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10 Struggles of a Jersey Girl in Rhode Island

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

1. Coping with road rage

Why is it that no one can drive in this state? Don’t they know that the speed limit isn’t so much a restriction as it is a suggestiion.  And haven’t you people ever heard of blinkers, or this magical place called the fast lane?  Also, FYI, you do not need to veer left and/or come to a complete stop before making a right turn.

2.  Adjusting pizza standards

Okay so maybe we’re pizza snobs, but whatever, you would be too if you came from the land of the cheese and the home of the marinara.  

3.  And bagel standards

NJ/NY bagels just can’t be beat.  

4.  Having to get out of the car to pump our own gas

Mandatory photo op!!!! Caption: First time for everything #jerseygirlproblems #wedontpumpourgas #wepumpourfists

5.  “What’s Taylor Ham?”

You poor, deprived soul.

6.  The Tom Brady obsession

Yes I know he has piercing blue eyes and the arm of a God, but have we forgotten Superbowl XLII and XLVI?

7.  All other sports rivalries

Bruins?  Pats?  Red Sox?  No thanks.

8.  The language barrier

“I’m wicked thirsy, I’m gunna go grab a drink from the bubbler.”

9.  Being asked to say things that highlight your accent

ie) coffee, water, dog

10.  Finally, constantly having to defend the homeland from being called “trash” or “The Armpit of America”.

You hate us ’cause you ain’t us.

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.