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10 Reasons Spring Semester is Best at URI

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Don’t get me wrong, URI is great all year round, but there are a few obvious reasons that we do Spring Semester best.

So people of America who aren’t lucky enough to be Rhody Rams, read it and weep. 

1.     Brickley’s

Only the best homemade ice-cream place in the Northeast.  It’s usually packed with a line out the door; the only thing that would make it better is if it were open all year round. 

2.     Darty Season

Tis’ the season of day drinking, Kan Jam, Corn Hole, bouncy houses and drunken URI students roaming the streets of Eastward looking for another backyard lawn chair with their name on it. 

3.     Warm Weather

Okay, it’s not 80 degrees yet, but 55 is warm enough for we Rhode Islanders to skip class and lay on the beach, or maybe we’ll be good students and just study outside on the quad. Either way, we can finally walk through campus without shivering and we’ve never been happier. Prepare yourselves for the basic white high-top converse and the sea of pastel colors [aka: vineyard vines button downs].

4.     Free Things

Spring Semester means booths in front of the Union or on the quad that are most likely handing out free stuff to lucky students who are undoubtedly broke. Whether it’s the Wicked Good Kettle Corn, Del’s, Massages, or a lousy pen, I’ll take one of each please. 

5.     Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Move over Salve kids, Newport is no longer your territory on this glorious, Irish day. With a 7 a.m. wake up call and just enough Jameson in your Dunkin cup to get over the bridge, you’ll be on the verge of blacking out by 11 a.m. Good luck actually making it to the parade. 

6.     Hockey Playoffs & Baseball

This one doesn’t directly relate to our school, but who cares. Forget Tom Brady and the Super Bowl, it’s time for the real athletes to put on a show. Hockey playoffs and the start of baseball season is one way to spark a conversation with your crush, or it’s just another excuse to split a 30 rack with your roommate on a Tuesday night. 

7.     Spring Break

Bahamas, Cancun, Punta Cana? Take your pick, Rams. Our awesome Platinum Entertainment Group will plan it all for you from traveling to the hotel, to drinks and entertainment; I guarantee they got us covered for the most epic week of Spring Semester we’ll experience. 

8.     Greek Week

Okay, so I guess this one really only applies to the brothers and sisters of our lovely fraternities and sororities here at Rhody (lol). However, even if you’re a “geed,” you have to admit the champagne breakfast and chariot race seems pretty legit. Maybe we should invest in a GDI week next year, anyone? 

9.     Pups On the Quad  

“Stress Relief Day” is the BEST day of the year. No, not for the free food, free massages, or games. Solely for the sweetest, cutest pups some amazing volunteers bring to the University just for our enjoyment. How did we get so lucky to get a full day of just playing with dogs? Thanks URI. 

10.  SUMMER 

After Fall semester, all we have to look forward to is eight weeks of freezing cold weather, and missing your roommates while you’re at home. Spring Semester has us excited for Graduation, Summer, vacations and a four month break from our academic responsibilities.