It was officially announced at the beginning of the month that Taylor would be opening the AMAs ceremony with the song I Did Something Bad, off of her ridiculously successful album, reputation. While many disputed the choice and said they would have rathered Getaway Car to be performed because it’s a single in Australia, I was jumping up from joy because she chose to perform this song. Not only is this song a masterpiece and it is a truly spiritual experience to see it performed live, it is also an empowerment anthem. So, this inspired me not only to talk about the song, but also about how reputation as a whole has empowered me.
This last year has been challenging for me to say the very least. However, while navigating failure, frustration, and darkness, reputation helped me cope and embrace this painful change. Taylor, you have taken ownership of your narrative and have used what others consider insults as a way of empowerment, and that has inspired me to do so as well. You have the ability to turn something negative that could have potentially destroyed your career, and turned it into art, and you’re owning it, to say the very least. Frankly, I’ve learned more due to your smart rebranding than from the marketing class that I’m taking right now. You only care that your fans see you for who you truly are; otherwise, you play the media and take inspiration from their bizarre theories and rumors and just propel yourself forward. Your struggle to navigate the voices who think they know everything about you and using all of these different versions of yourself that people have made up as a driving force is just admirable. That is why reputation is such a masterpiece.
I Did Something Bad is all about no longer keeping quiet and calling out all of those who have wronged you, taken advantage of you, and used your friendship or relationship for their benefit. Here you are telling us that we don’t have to put up with any of that while also playing with the “man-eater” persona the media has created. This song is so clever and powerful, I strongly recommend that everyone at least watches the AMA performance and then make up their minds about this song.
The reputation album not only contains beautiful songs dedicated to your handsome bae, but it also tells your truth, your side of the story, and you giving no f**** while doing so. You were right to perform I Did Something Bad; this song is the embodiment of what reputation is all about, owning your narrative, burning all the bridges necessary, and only keeping around you those who truly know and care about you. So thank you, Taylor, for sharing these lyrics that have truly served to empower and inspire us to not play by the rules and to own our narrative.