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Swim Team: Go Bulldogs! Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

There’s always a person responsible for effective teamwork and victories. That’s why for this Justas 2014, taking place April 6- April 12, HC-UPRM wants you to know the people responsible for keeping our teams together and strong.

Meet Luis G. Malavé, also known as “Lito”, the captain  the UPRM swim team. Luis has been swimming since he was 7 years old and has been on the UPRM swim team for 5 years! Luis will be representing UPRM in at least six races including: 50, 100, and 200 butterfly, 100 and 200 free, and relay. His goal as team captain is for every team member to feel part of a team and put their differences aside, especially during the Justas. You can keep reading to learn more about him, but if you want to see him in action, make sure to go on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to the Justas.


Name: Luis Gabriel Malavé “Lito”

Team: Swim Team

Major: Civil Engineering

Year: 5th year

HCUPRM: What is your role as team captain?

My role as team captain is to organize fundraisers for our uniforms, collect funds, and organize activities that focus on the Justas. I also work with the team and try to maintain peace; I want them all to understand that I try my best to please all the team members but sometimes it’s not up to me. There is a budget and rules we have to follow.


HCUPRM: How is your relation with the team?

I’d say pretty good, but this competition is a difficult time for all of us.


HCUPRM: How has been the experience and work leading up to this event (Justas)?

This is my first year as captain, and it has been hard because I have to juggle classes, meetings, fundraisers, and practice. Compared to past years, I’d only have to worry for showing up to practice and classes.


HCUPRM: What do you like the most about your job as team captain?

Working with different people, not only the team members but also the dean, directors, and professors. But my favorite is seeing the team get closer.


HCUPRM: What can UPRM fans expect from your team’s participation this Justas 2014?

Fans can expect to see a team that is giving its best to win and represent UPRM. We want to give the same or even more of what we have brought on the past years. 


My name is Alexandra Rosario grown and raise in Ponce, PR. At the age of 18 came the big time to move and go to college. Currently, I’m a student in the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, major in Biology.  My goal, for the near future, is to graduate in 2015 and go on to study Medicine. But not everything in life is study, in my free time I focus in photography.
Her Campus at UPRM