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Stylish 5Días Workers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

All of us collegiettes know how difficult it is to style work shirts; especially try to make them as trendy as possible. Well, our HC-UPRM fashion police spotted a couple of Cinco Días con Nuestra Tierra working ladies,who make of their work clothes something more than just a plain shirt and jeans. 



Farm jumpsuit and work boots




Mid-rise shorts, work boots and mid-length socks




Creative pink jeans, work boots and pink flowers headband




Dark blue mid-rise pants with ankle boots



Floral shorts, work boots and mid-lenght socks


Mónica Ocasio is a senior majoring in comparative literature, with a minor in Italian at the University of Puerto Rico- Mayagüez. Born, raised and living in Puerto Rico, Mónica has always enjoyed reading a good book, spending time with her family and baking.