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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Every colegial has a minor degree in procrastination, which is what we mostly do in the preamble to Finals week and what we will completely indulge in during our two-week break between semesters. We’re FINALLY able to spend time with our families and with dear old Netflix without the college responsibilities hovering over our heads like dark clouds. There were others who had almost forgotten about Netflix’s existence because they didn’t have electricity until about a week ago or less. So, get ready for binge season and watch some crazy finds on Netflix:


1. Atypical


This series is a Netflix Original and has only one season with 8 episodes. It’s about an autistic 18-year-old that decides he wants to have a girlfriend. Obsessed with all things Antarctica, he decides to fall for his therapist, who is also 10 years older than him. You’ll be a bit reminded of Sheldon Cooper and Howard from the show, “The Big Bang Theory” because they act similarly. It’s a tale of family, love, and shares a unique outlook of people on the autism spectrum that won’t only melt your heart, but will share the truth that everyone wants to be loved, and deserves to be loved.

2. Chicas del Cable (Season 2)


If you haven’t seen the first season, watch it! It’s an amazing series and Christmas day was all the better because the second season came out. It’s definitely a must-watch. It tackles relevant issues of the time such as women’s rights, sexual orientation, and rights of the proletariat. Hint: there’s a murder involved and justice being served.

3. What Happened to Monday


Another Netflix original! This movie takes place in the far future where government prohibits having more than 1 child per household. However, a grandfather (Willem Dafoe) decides to teach his septuplet granddaughters to survive. Each one is named after the day of the week when she’ll go out under the name of their mother who passed away after giving birth. Yet, all hell breaks loose when Monday disappears and the government starts killing them off one by one. The protagonist is the amazing Noomi Rapace, who starred in “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

4. She’s Gotta Have it


This series is based on the 1986 film with the same name. It’s a story that takes place in Brooklyn about Nola, a free-spirited and bohemian painter who’s also a black woman. She has always been varied in her lovers, but right now she’s dating three at once and tries to decide which one to stay with. Meanwhile, she struggles with her art in a very restrictive art scene where every critic wants to impose their version of Black Art as well as, coping with being sexually harassed. It deals with very real situations of present day that happen not only in Brooklyn, but in Puerto Rico as well.

5. The End of the F***ing World  


This Netflix original series goes from 0 to 100 very fast in terms of UK Skins. It’s about a psychopath boy that is tired of killing animals and wants to try killing a person, so he pretends to fall in love with Alyssa, a girl with anger-issues and awkward nymphomaniac attributes. Naturally, they run away, but what happens in this escapade changes both of their lives forever. No, he doesn’t kill her.

6. Friends from College


A 1-season, 8 episode, Netflix original comedy that tells the story of a circle of adults who were close friends back in Harvard U. Now, twenty years later,  married with their significant others, they begin having affairs with their first loves from back in the day. Secrets that almost break them apart come out, a seemingly perfect (yet stereotypical) gay couple breaks up because one couldn’t accept how his partner truly was, and the season ends with a very expensive car in a pool. The actors render amazingly clear and funny portrayals to otherwise two-dimensional and predictable characters, and this aspect adds a hint of satire to the series.


Author of "Partida en Dos," a self-published poetry book, and also published writer featured in magazines such as Sábanas, El Vicio del Tintero, Emily, and the Anthology of the Revolutionary Alliance. Bachelor student of English Literature and minors in Comparative Literature and Teacher Preparation. Born and raised in the West of Puerto Rico, artist, dancer, tree-hugger and animal rights activist. 
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.