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woman wearing green graduation cap
woman wearing green graduation cap
Juan Ramos/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Being a senior in college is quite nerve-wrecking. People expect you to be ready for life after graduation, and everywhere you go people wonder about your plans after graduation. All this stress can get to a person and overwhelm them. This happens to all of us, however, here are some tips on how to deal with college senioritis.

Focus on your journey


As the popular quote states, what matters is the journey, not the destination. The same thing is true for college. The important thing about college isn’t just graduation day, but a compilation of every moment since freshman orientation. So whenever you feel like you still have a long way to go, focus on all you’ve achieved in these last couple of years. Whether it’s overcoming a hard class, sleepless nights studying for finals, or acing that class presentation, you have gotten through it. It’s easy to focus on what you have left to achieve, but if you take a moment to reflect on all the obstacles college has thrown at you that you’ve overcome, you’ll realize that you’re more than capable of reaching your goal.

Don’t compare yourself to others


As college comes to an end, it seems like people around you have it all together. Some students have internships, job offers, or clear plans after graduation. When surrounded by all that, it’s hard not to compare yourself to everyone else. You might even feel like you’re way behind in comparison.

However, no matter how tempting it might be, don’t compare yourself. Everyone has their own individual journey, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to compete with everyone in order to succeed in life.

Enjoy your senior year


As your college years come to an end, it might be tempting to get caught up planning for life after graduation or feeling anxious about the future, but don’t let that ruin your final moments as a college student.

So in the spirit of enjoying your final year, go to that party, enroll in that class you’ve always wanted to take, or sign up for extracurricular activities that have always interested you. Dare to talk to that cutie in your class that has been catching your eye. Be sure that the stress of the incoming graduation doesn’t prevent you from living in the moment and enjoying the last year of being a college student.

Pay attention to your interests


Now that you’ve finished the majority of the required courses, look back on the ones you’ve enjoyed the most. Maybe you discovered you had a passion for writing, or an interest in economics. College is a time for exploring different interests and getting to know yourself.

If you aren’t sure about what path to pursue after graduation, make it a point to recall college’s past experiences and review which one you felt excited to pursue. Granted, it might not always be your declared major, but then again, life is all about diversifying your interests.

No plan? Don’t stress!


Some people seem to have their entire lives mapped out from day one. Others have no idea what they’re doing this weekend, let alone after graduation. If you’re one of the latter, don’t worry about it because you’re not alone. Lots of people are starting to find themselves at this age, discovering their interests, and finding their niche. When you think about it, you have your whole life to figure out what you want to do, and if you don’t like your choices, you can always change your mind.

So the next time you stress about being a college senior, make sure to follow these tips and remember, you’re only a college senior once!


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22 years old. Island Girl. Bilingual. Political Science. International Relations. Pop Culture Junkie. Music & Movies.
Claudia is a witchy English Literature and International Affairs major from La Parguera. She's worked in various on-campus projects, such as the MayaWest Writing Project and as a tutor at the English Writing Center. In addition, she's worked at Univision and has also been published in El Nuevo Día and El Post Antillano. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, you can find Claudia tweeting something snarky and pushing boundaries as a Beyoncé expert. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram, @clauuia.