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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

This is for all the small ones, the shorter-than-most Tarzanes and Juanas, the little people. I don’t mean little by age, though we know about the never-ending struggle of having one’s age confused just because of height. Because of this, you’ll find me with my I.D. stuffed in one of my pockets in every jangueo. This is for you, my fellow Hobbitses.

Growing up small took some getting used to and consisted of seeing all our friends getting longer and taller, while we stayed pretty much the same. We stayed the “babies” of the class, because at least, in my case, there was always at least a foot between my height and the rest of the world. Some of my best friends were truly tall, the kind that made you dizzy by looking up at them. Being the “baby” or the “doll” was not always a fairytale. While admittedly, being carried around is always a blast, being called “cute” and “adorable” is great until certain extent: lo poco agrada y lo mucho enfada.

Doubts sometimes came by because of my height problem, the insecurities of not being “normal” in accordance to society’s definition. Thankfully I grew into my own small size skin and decided that my being like this was not bad; it did not mean I was lesser than the rest. Au contraire, it made me different in a positive way and sometimes not being normal is actually great! I truly love being small! It’s always a blast that since my limbs are shorter, I can move faster. Especially while I’m dancing with my teammates, I always do the routine faster and exactly on the musicality while they’re struggling with their normal long limbs. Another funny aspect is when it comes to running. Since my legs are damn short, I have to do more steps and like my mom says, I run like a guinea. Nevertheless, it’s a bit of a challenge to run and do things like what Sofía Rivera does in the marching band, since we have to take longer steps to stay in sync or do more steps faster. A challenge is always welcome since I think all of us Hobbits are resilient.

So, my sweet small people, you all know how it is: the best perfume comes in a small bottle, the best poison, too. We’re small because we’re concentrated energy and spirit which makes us more explosive in how we are. We can be like ponies, jumpy and a bit hard to reason with, or the complete opposite with complete niceness and kind way of being. Never think that being small limits you in what you want or can do, or makes reaching for your dreams impossible. Some of the world’s greatest people are small! The USA Gymnastics Team has small members! The amazing Simone Biles is only 4’8”, Gabby Douglas is 4’11”, and Aly Raisman and Madison Kocian are 5’2”. Being small sometimes is actually better! Because as Galadriel, from Lord of the Rings said to the Hobbit Frodo, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”  


Author of "Partida en Dos," a self-published poetry book, and also published writer featured in magazines such as Sábanas, El Vicio del Tintero, Emily, and the Anthology of the Revolutionary Alliance. Bachelor student of English Literature and minors in Comparative Literature and Teacher Preparation. Born and raised in the West of Puerto Rico, artist, dancer, tree-hugger and animal rights activist. 
Her Campus at UPRM