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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

This week’s CAAMpus cutie is Manuel Curet Crespo. You’ve probably seen him with a surfer style (because he works in BoraBora). He has a great sense of humor, a perfect smile, and an ideal tan. You’ll probably find him at The Sambuca Food Truck helping his brother, or eating. Manuel will always make you have a smile on your face everyday, he’s very easygoing, ambitious, and friendly.

You want to laugh? Add him on twitter @ManuelCuret. Want to find out more about this cutie? Keep reading to see all his preferences. He’s graduating in May so we’ll definitely miss him around campus.

Name: Manuel Curet Crespo

Age: 22

Year: 5th

Major: Accounting and Finances

Hometown: San Juan


Single or taken? Single

Blondes or brunettes? Both

Celebrity crush: I have no celebrity crush but I do have a lot of crushes I see daily in the University. Some, I know (he laughs).

Favorite food: The delicious “quesadillas” made in The Sambuca Food Truck.

Boxers or briefs? Briefs

Hobbies: Go out to Imagenda Productions’ events every Thursday. I like going to the beach to paddleboard. I play soccer and I like watching soccer games every weekend from my favorite team, Manchester United. I also like hanging out with my friends, who throughout the years became my family.

Perfect date: Anyplace where I am with a beautiful and intelligent woman with a huge sense of humor

Favorite class at UPRM: My favorite classes have been the ones where there has been a lot of interaction from the students and the professor, you end the semester with 30 new friends!

What can I find if I look through your book bag? A lot of papers, probably, my student ID, some coins, and my blank notebooks.

Favorite spot on campus: Every classroom SSSSNOT!

Most embarrasing moment at UPRM? One time, I was making an verbal presentation in my Geology class and at the end (the period of questions made by the professor), quickly, one student raised her hand to make a question about my presentation. She asked me why was I chewing gum during the presentation. All my classmates started laughing, some couldn’t believed she just asked that, I was really embarrassed, and I was uncomfortable. I pretended I didn’t hear the question.

Biggest accomplishment: I graduate this year from UPRM!!!!!

Where do you see yourself in ten years? With a gorgeous wife and three little girls.

Ideal job: One that makes a ton of money.

Role model: My dad, he has the answer to every question.

UPRM girls are better because… They are the most beautiful of Puerto Rico, they’re humble and they ALL like the beach. 

A trilingual and cheerful student that has a passion for justice. 20 year old, majoring in Psychology and minoring in International Relations, future law student. Born in Puerto Rico.
Her Campus at UPRM