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M.A.E.E Cutie: Kelsins Victor Santos Nuñez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

This week’s campus cutie comes to us from the Master’s program in English Education. You may have seen him around campus, in the classroom, and even in the English Writing Center. With the tact that comes from being an educator in the making and a vegetarian, he encourages people to be themselves and their organic personalities. He considers that because we are living in a world where everything is constant movement – social media, social circles, and all that – it is important to know how to adapt. His experience as a Navy brat has taught him change is normal and by adopting an organic personality, we could grow more in an intellectual and physical way. 

“I’ve lived in more than three countries since I was a Navy brat. I have lived in the United States, Italy, and Puerto Rico.

Name: Kelsins Victor Santos Nuñez

Hometown: Ceiba, Puerto Rico.

Age: 23

Year: First Year of Master’s

Major: English Education

Relationship Status: Currently single

Current Job: Graduate Teaching Assistant of English and Co-Supervisor of the English Writing Center


What are your plans after you graduate from the Master’s Program? What’s your dream job?

“After graduating, I plan to continue towards my Ph.D. to become a professor. And my dream job, besides being a professor, would be to have my own company so as to offer an educational service. I would also like to become a writer — anything to make myself happy and at the same time, put my family on.”

What do you like to do to unwind?

“I like to write, I enjoy reading and writing poetry.”

What songs are you currently obsessed with?

“I’m just a strong fan of Tupac and Kanye West, and I enjoy their whole body of music. If we were to be specific, from Tupac, it would be “Smile” and from Kanye, it would be “Hell of a Life.’”

What do you look for in a significant other?

“I look for somebody who is supportive, but also focused on her own goals. You know, the type that doesn’t need someone else to move – but knows what it is to bring somebody up. Obviously I want the curves and all that, but if we’re talking about the long run, that stuff only goes so far.”

Who do you admire the most? Why?

“It’s a tie between three people: my father, my mother, and my older brother. My father, because of his dedication and his ability hold the family down through thick and thin. My mother, for her care and dedication to me and the family, the way she expresses herself in a very loving manner, something unparalleled to me, especially her charisma. My brother, for his intelligence and his ability to make it through adversity and become the person he wanted to be. It’s something I admire a lot and wish to emulate, even though I haven’t told him enough.”

What is your fondest memory?

“My fondest memory would be anything related to my family. Us being at the beach at Roosevelt Roads, but there are so many that I couldn’t be able to tell you. Just any experience surrounding my family is positive one, even if the vibes weren’t there. Anything me and my family been through, we made it through together and we all became better people for it – so all those memories are nothing less the fond you know what I mean?”

If you could have coffee with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

“Personally, it would be with my grandfather from my father’s side, whom I never got to know very well because he died of cancer and I was too young at the time to get to know him better. As for a popular figure, it could probably be Tupac, so we can maybe discuss the way he produced his art in a way that appealed to the community while keeping a “thug” personality. The way he connected with the community, whether it be through music or social work, is admirable and impressive.”

Sophia Melissa is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez studying English Literature. She dreams of continuing her studies to become a journalist. Born and raised in Carolina but studying at Mayagüez has given her the opportunity to experience the diversity of her island. A tech geek, book worm, and animal lover at heart, she has always enjoyed helping those around her.
Her Campus at UPRM