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Let’s Zumba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

It’s 5:00p.m. and those grey clouds menace to rain  on your day.

Ariana Loyola, a zumba instructor, shooed away the grey clouds with her energetic dance moves. A group of ladies, mostly, meet Monday through Thursday at the Natatorium to get their bodies moving and blood flowing.

Zumba is a dance fitness program that incorporates dance and aerobic elements. It is a fun and great way to kick start your evening; and the best part it’s FREE.

If you think zumba is not for you, don’t eliminate the idea so quickly. Grab a group of friends or arm yourself with sass- and a water bottle and join all of the energetic ladies that attend the class. You will not be dissapointed.


“A+ for Ariana, she is the best instructor I’ve had, she’s divine” shared with me one of the attendees.  

Ariana Loyola, a UPRM student, has been a certified zumba instructor since she’s 17. She started to practice this sport because she thought it was something fun and different from any other sport. She maintains all of her class attendees motivated and energized throughout her one-hour class.


As colegiales, stress is our middle name, but it can be lethal. Get your nose out of those books and get going. Here are some of the benefits of practicing zumba:

Exercising your body is like giving miracle grow to your brain. You will be a happier, more energetic and productive. There are multiple ways to exercise yourself; luckily our campus provides us with diverse options, so there are no excuses accepted.





Olivieri is a Puerto Rican entrepreneur who craves knowledge and has a passion for writing. Currently trying to unravel the world's mysteries by majoring in physics.