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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Finals week is just around the corner, and it’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed with all the classes and tests. However, here are some tips you can follow to help you get organized for your finals ahead of time so you can make the most out of your time.

Check your calendar

The first thing that you need to do is to check the dates for each exam or project. Usually, you should have the dates for finals ahead of time. As soon as you have access to them, write them down. It is essential to do this because you can plan and divide how much time you must study for each class.

Make sure you have all the material

A step that can be crucial, but sometimes isn’t thought about, is to check that you have all the materials and instructions that you need. By doing this, you will be able to see if there is any material that you have missing, and you will have time to contact a classmate to help you with what you’re missing. Also, you can check if there are any instructions you have any doubts about and decide whether you need a professor to explain to you. Doing this ahead of time will save you from the despair of not knowing what to do a day before a deadline or exam.

Create a schedule

Once you check out the dates for each exam, you will begin to study depending on which exam comes first and how much material you have for that exam. Here is where you will schedule the days you will study for each class and the days you will take the exams. This part is essential to keep you organized and give you a bigger picture of how those days will look for you. Sometimes you might have two exams on the same day, or you might have one exam each day for three days straight. That is why creating a schedule will help you see how much time you’ll have for each thing.

Study Smart

Finally, after you have organized your days for studying and how you will divide your time, all you have to do is follow your plan and study smart by taking advantage of every moment. Try to follow your plan to stay on track, and avoid an overload of stress and material to study at once. 

Finals are never easy, and it’s inevitable to feel stressed and anxious, but by following these tips hopefully, they’ll be easier to manage. You got this!

Valeria Martinez is a senior writer at Her Campus UPRM. This is her fourth year on Her Campus. She focuses on writing about popular culture, social issues, and mental health. She also completed an internship with Her Campus Media. Beyond Her Campus, Valeria is a Digital Marketing intern for Puerto Rico Wire Group. She also interned for the non-profit organization Thirst Project, managing their socials and creating content for them. One of her poems is to be published in Sabanas Bilingual Magazine. She currently works as a Digital Marketing intern. Valeria is an English Literature undergraduate student also doing a minor in Writing and Communications at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. In her free time, Valeria loves going to the beach, reading, the movies, and cafe hopping. She is also a musical enthusiast and theatre kid who can't go out most of the time because "she's got practice." Her ultimate goal is to become a Journalist focusing on Latin Communities. She plans to move to NYC to Graduate School at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York next year.