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From the Fields to the Photography Studio: Veronica Michelle Rivera

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Two worlds collide to form the aspirations of this soon-to-graduate collegiette. Devoted to the protection of animals, crops, and the environment, she has also walked for designers like Lisa Nieves, Sonia Santiago, and Heriberto Vázquez. In order to keep grounded, she advises that girls become versatile in their hobbies and passions, not minding what others can comment.

Name: Veronica Michelle Rivera Vega

Age: 23

Hometown: Añasco, Puerto Rico

Major: General Agriculture

Graduation Date: December 2015

Relationship Status: Fabulously single

Research Project: “Rhystismatales and other pathogenic fungal species of native trees in Puerto Rico” is dedicated to studying different native trees and their symptoms when being affected by certain fungi.

What inspired you to study agriculture?

That’s an interesting story! I was a member of “Upward Bound in Math and Sciences” in the Interamerican University of San German and they would offer different college courses. When I was 16, they brought us to Colegio and we took agriculture ones. I was immediately fascinated and in love. Also, I always read the newspaper and noticed many articles about the problems in the dairy industry. I decided to study agriculture to actually try and fix the problems, rather than just criticizing them from afar.

You’re also a model, how did you start in that industry?

Since I was a child, I was skinnier and taller than the rest of the girls and I was told that I could be a model. However, due to the typical model stereotype, I didn’t think I could make it. But at 16, America’s Next Top Model changed my mind.

Who is your role model in the modeling industry?

I would say that my role model is Victoria Secret’s Candice Swanepoel. In an interview I saw, I liked that even though she knows of her status in the industry, she’s conscious of the fact that she still has a lot to learn and of her imperfections. She’s very down to Earth and that’s something I admire.

How do you manage your studies, working at the lab and CIVIS, plus modeling?

I dedicate a full day to one thing. If today I work, tomorrow I study, and the next, I model. I have to live my day one at a time because planning a week ahead never really works for me.

What are your professional plans?

My favorite question! I would like to continue my studies here at Colegio in the master program of Crops Protection and after, I would like to gain experience by working in the fields of Hawaii. Once I gain that experience, I want to continue onto a Ph.D. However, I know my life in modeling will also continue.

A lot of girls suffer from self-image problems, what would you advise them?

Growing up is difficult, I know. But you always have to try and listen to that small voice in your head that tells you who you are and what you’re good at. We should never look at ourselves in the mirrors of others, but our own.

If you had the opportunity to walk down the runway with a famous model in a famous designer show, who would these two individuals be?

I would love to walk for Marchesa or Harry Robles, their designs are absolutely stunning. And in terms of walking with a model, I would love to walk with Joan Smalls or Cara Delevigne.


Sophia Melissa is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez studying English Literature. She dreams of continuing her studies to become a journalist. Born and raised in Carolina but studying at Mayagüez has given her the opportunity to experience the diversity of her island. A tech geek, book worm, and animal lover at heart, she has always enjoyed helping those around her.
Her Campus at UPRM