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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

“The past can hurt. But you either learn run from it, or learn from it.” – Rafiki, Lion King

What college student doesn’t love old Disney movies? These movies transported us to faraway lands, showing us worlds which were strange yet fascinating. Lion King showed us what the African savannah was like, while making us wish we were talking animals so we could be best friends with Simba or talk to Rafiki about our future.

For the past month, you have probably stopped to admire many of the colorful drawings which have decorated the floors of Chardon and the areas around it. But have you really thought about what was the message behind such colors? They weren’t there because a group of students grew bored of their drawing pads and decided to color on the floor. Students from the Department of Arts have united to send a message to the community. Even though these students are studying the Arts, their classes and their career is just as tough and demanding as a career in the Sciences or the Humanities. We possess a talent, it is just a matter of how we express it. 

Sophia Melissa is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez studying English Literature. She dreams of continuing her studies to become a journalist. Born and raised in Carolina but studying at Mayagüez has given her the opportunity to experience the diversity of her island. A tech geek, book worm, and animal lover at heart, she has always enjoyed helping those around her.
Her Campus at UPRM