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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

The charmed ones return to our screens this week with a lingering question: Can Harry be trusted? And… we were left with more questions than answers.


Ladies. I’m right here. – Harry


The episode begins where the last episode left off with a summoned Harry making his appearance at the girls’ attic while they’re still shocked with the Ouija’s warning: “Don’t trust Harry.” The sisters quickly find themselves in a cross-roads; they don’t know who to trust after Harry suggests that the Ouija might be possessed by an imposter demon.


This episode presented the sisters with their first true challenge to their sisterhood by making them define how they want to work together and use the power of three. There were major stumbles along the way, but in the end, they were able to shine through by truly trusting each other.


Technology saving the day.


But as happy as I am with the sisters defeating a new demon, this doesn’t really answer the questions posed about Harry. By now we’ve learned that things can quickly turn for the charmed ones, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future brings.


I believe the characters still need work. The sisters made major strides towards a more sisterly feeling on-screen, but they still seem detached from each other. Nothing that a quick insta can’t fix.


Maggie killing it with the Insta quotes.


After all the madness about Harry and sister-drama was confronted, we were reminded about a small detail. At the beginning of the episode we were actually presented with a curious black goo demon who seemed to fade to the background. For the most part, we only thought of its existence in short scenes where Macy and Harry tried to figure out what it was. This was mostly overshadowed by Macy’s attempts to get the truth out of Harry using a truth serum which ended up being drank by Niko, Mel’s girlfriend, instead (awkward!).


At least Macy had the good instinct of taking a sample of the goo’s residue from the lab and gave it to Harry for testing. In the end, this seemingly-irrelevant figure turned out to be a bigger threat that the sisters should have been addressing, “the primordial form of the harbinger [of hell].” A piece of the apocalypse prophecy that is threatening humanity. Apparently, this omen was on the search for a perfect human vessel. The one which would help it fulfill its part of the prophecy. Harry suggests that they should prevent the harbinger from finding it because if it does “everything’s going to change.” But the girls might be too late…


Is it too late? Angela Wu as she mysteriously wakes up from her coma.


Highlighted Scene:


I most definitely can not skip mentioning this great take-away from the episode 2. As tempting as it sounds, it might not be the greatest thing to know what your partner or lover is thinking at all time. You should definitely watch the episode for this hilarious scene alone.


A “just friends” hookup ends up being really awkward for Maggie.


Even with a more mellow episode this series is still delivering. Tune in next Sunday for what promises to be a Halloween worthy episode 3.


Scene from next week’s trailer.


Chemical Engineering major with a passion for writing and empowering women through words. Favorite quote: "Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need." -Gillian Anderson
Fabiola del Valle is 22 y/o English Lit. major studying at UPRM. She currently holds the position of Campus Correspondent and karaoke queen.