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CAAMpus Cutie Prepa Edition: Sean Paul Stapelfeld

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Name: Sean Paul Stapelfeld Castro

Age: 17

Hometown: Mayagüez, P.R.

Year of Study: 1st

Major: Economy

Relationship Status: Single

HC: What do you like to do on your free time?

I like reading books, mostly science fiction and thrillers. I love hanging out with my friends and just having a good time with people that I care about. 

HC: Describe yourself with one word:


HC: Why you chose UPRM?

UPRM has the best reputation in Puerto Rico I wanted to get the best education that I could, so UPRM seemed to be the best option. 

HC: On my first week at UPRM I hope to _____?

Stay focused on my studies and do the best I can.

Former Chief Editor and Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus UPRM chapter of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Writing in NYC, living the dream.