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An Artistic Cutie: Edward Aguilera

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Name: Edward A. Aguilera

Age: 19

Major: Plastic Arts

Relationship status: Single

Describe yourself in three words: thoughtful, energetic, and determined. 

Why do you study Plastic Arts?

I think art is a space from which I can communicate creatively with those around me. Besides, I like many things … science, mathematics, philosophy, history; from art I can cover them all.

What do you like to draw, sculpt, write, and sing?

That question requires a long answer. When I make art, in general, I use what’s around me: those things that usually escape our attention: a piece of old cardboard, lettuce, a doorknob, whatever serves the purpose of saying whatever I want to express. When I sing and write, I do the same, yet writing requires that I merge myself with the music, both of my guitar and of the words I write.

What do you like in a girl?

 In a girl, the first thing I notice is her energy: in her words, in her movements… Second of all, I notice what she says: in other words, what is in her mind. There is a third thing —- will. How much a girl trusts herself can be seen by her willingness to take decisions.

Describe the perfect date.

  The perfect date… I would say: a Friday night, no responsibilities to be called upon, in my home making a nice, big salad with Bob Marley or Jorge Drexler in the radio.

I heard you know French, can you describe your music or drawing in french?

“D’accord. Mon art, c’est un métaphore: J’essaie à construire des batiments abstraits en utilisant la tête. C’est tout simplement  ça!” Translation: “Okay. My art is a metaphor: I try to build abstract buildings using my head.”

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I see myself creating for a living. I see myself returning to Puerto Rico often after living in other parts of the world, learning about other cultures and letting my art be known around the globe. I picture me inside myself thinking about what’s around me in a totally different manner; looking at the world in a more interesting and critical way.