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The Ultimate Guide for Thrifting in Puerto Rico

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

If you’re tired of spending too much money on clothes you wear only once or twice, and you love vintage and second-hand fashion, here are some hot spots you can check out to up your style game. There are different ways of achieving this, but I recommend checking out secondhand markets or visiting individual thrift shops. Some stores are curated, while others offer a more varied range of items, but they all provide unique finds to satisfy your fashion cravings.


1. The Vintfresh Market

This popular event takes place on the last Sunday of each month at Publica Espacio in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Over 20 vendors participate in each gathering, selling various items such as vintage vinyls, stickers, and secondhand clothes.

2. El Thrifty Market

The Thrifty Market occurs once a month at El Cafecito in Miramar, which is a coffee shop, or El Nie, a bar in Santurce. These are the perfect spots to enjoy brunch or sip a nice glass of wine while thrifting.

3. Saldaña Vintage Market

This event hits close to home (literally!) as it occurs in Río Piedras every Thursday, just prior to “Jueves de Río.” The participating vendors are thrift shops that bring their own merchandise for the public to enjoy.

4. Sustainable Paradise

Sustainable Paradise, hosted once a month at the Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín in Trujillo Alto, offers a variety of sustainable goods. With over 85 vendors selling vintage and second-hand clothing, as well as handmade items, the event also frequently features guest speakers and influencers who lead panels on sustainable and ecological practices.

As you explore the markets, I highly suggest speaking to the vendors and following them on Instagram. They’re usually very active on social media and showcase their finds through photoshoots and story posts. 

Physical Shops

1. El Salvation Army de Caguas

This is the spot if you want to find discounted Zara and Free People items. The dress section is particularly appealing, with vintage 90’s gems and cute sundresses.

2. El Bazaar de Mami Hilda

Mami Hilda’s shop, located in Río Piedras, is the holy grail for vintage and second-hand fashion enthusiasts. They offer a wide variety of items and organize their store by vintage, second-hand, and jewelry sections. The vintage section is a must-visit for finding unique pieces.

3. Electroshock

Electroshock is the blueprint, the OG spot for thrifting in Puerto Rico. If you haven’t been to Electroshock, you haven’t truly gone thrifting. They have locations in Río Piedras and Santurce for people to explore.

Other alternatives include attending garage sales and browsing Facebook Marketplace for hidden gems. The best way to determine if the items you’re thrifting are really worth it is by analyzing their quality and brand versus its pricing. If you know a certain brand would never have a piece priced over a certain amount, just be aware that the person is probably upselling it or trying to scam buyers.

Congrats! You’ve read a comprehensive guide to exploring the world of vintage and second-hand fashion in Puerto Rico without breaking the bank. Happy thrifting!

Amiari Carpio Rosa is an undergraduate at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus. Her love for the entertainment world led her to the Communications faculty, where she is working towards a degree in Public Relations and Publicity. Her journey in the writing world has recently begun and Her Campus UPR is a step in this new endeavor. Amiari's enthusiasm for communication and marketing extends beyond her involvement with Her Campus. Within the university, she plays a role as the Assistant of Professional Development in the Marketing Association. This role allows her to help develop her skills in the marketing world. In addition to extracurricular commitments, Amiari is in the early stages of launching her own thrifting business, where she curates handpicked vintage and second-hand clothing items. Outside of academia and business, Amiari has a diverse range of interests, including going to the movies, reading a good book, and of course, thrifting. Regarding literature, she's drawn to a diverse range of genres, with a particular love for mystery, young adult fiction, thrillers, and historical fiction. She also loves watching TV Shows and has probably watched around 100 series in her lifetime.