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Surfer Sammy Rodriguez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

This week, we want to introduce you to an individual who is passionate about what he does – surfing. A student of Natural Sciences, Sammy is known for his blonde hair, his skills in Organic Chemistry and his smile which he presents to everyone passing him by.

Name: Samuel ‘Sammy’ Rodriguez Santiago


Age: 20

Zodiac: Leo

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Biology

Favorite Food: Everything

Favorite Place to Hangout: Anywhere with good company


HCUPR: Before we get to your love for surfing, I want you tell me what your future plans are.

Sammy: I’m studying in Natural Sciences to hopefully become a surgeon.

HCUPR: So, you’d say that surfing is something that you do for fun or you’re considering it as a career also?

Sammy: To make a career out of surfing on the island is very hard. Surfing here isn’t as developed as it is in the States. So currently, it’s on my hobby list – something I do for fun.

HCUPR: How long have you been surfing?

Sammy: Since I was 15.

HCUPR: Why do you enjoy it so much?

Sammy: Surfing is like a therapy session out on the water – it’s just you and the waves. You exercise while enjoying the nature. Something about surfing has me coming back for more; I think every day you surf is a different experience. It’s an addiction that keeps you coming back. It’s a challenge that tests your abilities and skills.

HCUPR: What’s your favorite memory while surfing?

Sammy: I’ll never forget how I aced my first tube riding with the waves. It was about 3 years ago in Hallows, Arecibo. I felt so good that day. I felt that I’ve accomplished something that I’ve been working on for a long time.


HCUPR: What’s your favorite ‘to-go’ place to surf?

Sammy: The West Coast: Isabela, Aquadilla  – they have the best waves!

HCUPR: Who’s your idol in surfing?

Sammy: The main guy – John Florence!

HCUPR: What’s your dream life?

Sammy: Honestly? I’d love to become a successful surgeon, have a loving family and live near the beach. Who knows, maybe if the opportunity opens for me to create my career in surfing in the States, I’d love to do that also.

HCUPR: Would you teach your kids to surf?

Sammy: Obviously! I’d teach them to surf from a very young age. I want them to learn how to control themselves, how to set goals to achieve, and all the things that I’ve learned when I was 15.

HCUPR: Let’s talk love. Ever been in a relationship?

Sammy: Not yet.

HCUPR: What type of person are you into?

Sammy: That’s hard to say but I really like blondes! A girl that’s goal-orientated, intelligent and easy to talk to.

HCUPR: What would you do on a first date?

Sammy: I’d take her to a very exotic beach – somewhere where she probably hasn’t been, where it’s relaxing and I can teach her to surf. Somewhere where it’s calming for us to talk and get to know each other better.

HCUPR: Are you afraid of getting into a relationship? What holds you back?

Sammy: I think everyone is scared of getting his or her heart broken. To waste time on getting to know someone who’ll just break your heart in the end.

HCUPR: Would you want to be in a relationship?

Sammy: When the time comes, obviously. However, my only girlfriend at the moment is the Review Book for the MCAT.

HCUPR: What has surfing taught you in life?

Sammy: It has taught me to be patient, to have goals in life. It has also taught me to fight for what I want and to be consistent.

HCUPR: What would your advice be to the people who want to learn how to surf?

Sammy: Everything is hard at first. Keep getting up even after your fall. Be dedicated to learn – make it a consistent activity in your to-do list. You’ll see yourself improve only if you practice and not give up.



Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. 



Leyla Javadova is an Azerbaijani polyglot currently studying at the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus. Besides always being there for her loved ones, Leyla loves to pass her time in a small local coffee shop, drinking her extra sweet cup of freshly brewed coffee while listening to Lana Del Rey. Leyla enjoys writing about lifestyle, health, fitness, and dating advice. You can reach Leyla on Facebook or follow her on Instagram: @leyjavz