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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.


Get Out was one of 2017’s most talked about films.

It was praised not only for being the debut of comedian Jordan Peele, but also for dealing with a social issue in a very creative way.

It should have been no surprise that it started garnering Oscar buzz since very early on, but it winded up receiving only 4 nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director for Jordan Peele, Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor for Daniel Kaluuya.

The film falls within the suspense/horror genre (don’t let the 2018 Golden Globes tell you otherwise), and it is about a young African American man named Chris who goes on a weekend getaway with his white girlfriend Rose (it is important to know the race of the characters in this film) in her family’s house. When they arrive at the house, they find out that her family is hosting a party for many rich white people, and Chris and Rose have no choice but to stay. It is during that weekend that they discover that something sinister is happening in the house and Rose’s parents might be behind it.

Don’t let it fool you, the film is not like a classic horror film; it is more suspense.  The true horror of the film comes in the way that it makes you think, and how it shows and develops the topic of racism in modern day United States. It reminds us that we no longer live in the 1950’s or 60’s, but racism is still alive and, well, it is passive aggressive. That is the scary part of the film and also Allison Williams’ chilling performance as Rose, one that wasn’t recognized as it deserved.

The film is worthy of the Best Original Screenplay because it was a clever idea to use the suspense/horror genre to bring about the topic of racism instead of going through the traditional drama genre. Jordan Peele for Best Director? Definitely, this was his debut film, and he showed that he knew what he was doing and how to shoot a horror film since his previous work in the entertainment industry was all comedy. He deserves all the praise and the Oscar.

As far as Best Picture goes, it would be interesting to see it win. However, I highly doubt it would, since the Academy tends not to award Best Picture to genres that aren’t Comedy or Drama no matter how important the film is.

Daniel Kaluuya gave a fantastic performance as Chris, making the perfect transition from a young man in love to one terrified for his life. His nomination is very well-deserved, but he won’t take the gold. If he did, I would be very surprised, and I will give him a standing ovation. If you want to see more of Daniel Kaluuya, go watch the Black Mirror episode Fifteen Million Merits or better yet, go see him on Black Panther (Wakanda Forever!). He has a bright future ahead, and what better way to start his career than with an Oscar nomination in his early 20’s?

Get Out is a film that should not be missed, it should be appreciated, and I’m glad the Academy chose to honor it since I am sure it will be one of those films that will leave people talking for years to come.


Picture Credit: rottentomatoes.com


Gabriela is currently an English Major at the University of Puerto Rico. When she isn't reading fantasy books, she can be found writing them. She is a Vegetarian Hufflepuff that loves zombie fiction, an irony in itself. An aspiring filmmaker, she one day dreams of winning an Oscar for her films.