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Poetic Mondays: Nature poems

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

We’ve done love, hate, break-ups, messages to loved ones, and even some very deep thoughts on society, but now let’s talk about nature. Here we have two (yes two!) nature poems for you to read on this wonderful, class-free day and the only excuse not to read them is that you’re out there experiencing this island’s beautiful scenery, if not…we frown upon you (not really because we still love you).




I want to feel every inch of earth on my tender skin.

While I watch the stars above and fall asleep.

Not everyone feels the same; even though I wish.

Yet this is all part of the gift that I received…

Being one of the few who truly appreciate Nature as it is.



I sit and ponder at the waves that rush ashore,

the calming sound of their steady touch against the warm and dry sand.

It’s like if they were secret lovers who finally met again.

Arms tied around my knees feeling the sandy breeze penetrate my salty hair.

Closed eyes; smile wide.

Finally the water reaches the tip of my toes,

I open my eyes and smile wider than ever before.

That’s when I realized that alone I uphold my most treasured moments.

           by Melissa Ramos