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Is It Too Soon For You To Start Celebrating Christmas?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Christmas lovers, such as the gal writing this article, have always suffered from the judgment of others who do not share our appreciation for the most wonderful time of the year. It is because of these people who do not share our passion for gift-giving and receiving, decorating everything with twinkly lights and glitter, baking gingerbread cookies, and celebrating the joy of being among friends and family, that I have created a list of 15 questions to kick our holiday spirit down a healthy notch and evaluate if our excitement is indeed valid. So, if your friends think you’re getting a little too excited for this glorious time of year, this test is perfect for you. So, without further ado, just count the times you answer “Yes” to the following questions to determine whether you’re completely in the right or if you have a bit of a jolly problem.

1. Have any Christmas trees, artificial or real, arrived at any store near you?

2. Has anyone mentioned Christmas or the holidays? Maybe Thanksgiving?

3. Have you seen Christmas memes on social media lately?

4. Has Starbucks started announcing their holiday drinks?

5. Did someone already tell you what they want for Christmas or invite you to a holiday party?

6. Does Claire’s have its seasonal accessories, such as reindeer/gingerbread earrings, glittery Santa hats, snowflake jewelry, knitted scarves and other cute winter wear?

7. Are articles related to Halloween on sale? Are summer themed articles on sale? Valentine’s articles on sale?

8. Has anyone mentioned the words “Christmas”, “Santa”, “gingerbread”, “presents”, “food”, “house”, “movie”, “spoon”, “dress” or even the word “dog”? 9. Did fall JUST start? Did it just end?

10. Could Meryl Streep act as Batman?

11. Is New York City a city in New York?

12. Was Barack Obama President of the United States? Was George Bush? 13. Are Scorpios compatible with Tauruses?

14. Is Katy Perry a pop icon? A huge public figure? A queen, you might say?

15. Is Jelena a mistake? Or is it too pure for this world to understand?


If you answered YES 15-10 times:

NO, it is not too soon for you to put on your ugly Christmas sweater and deck the halls. So, start planning a Christmas party, decorate your house and buy the Christmas tree you’re dying to get!

If you answered YES 9-5 times:

NO, it’s not too soon for you to sing your Fa La La’s door to door and bake some gingerbread cookies! Whether it may be May or the beginning of Fall, you still have the right to celebrate your most favorite holiday.


Finally, if you answered YES 4-0 times:

NEWS FLASH! It is NEVER too soon or too late or too anything to celebrate the holidays. Christmas is never ending so don’t let anyone, or any catastrophe, dim your holiday spirit this year, next year or any year. Rock on and jingle on, have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, a nice Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Halloween, and a joyful Three Kings Day all of you.