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How to Deal: The Art of Getting out of a Rut

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Everyone, at some point in their life, gets stuck in a rut. The future seems unclear or uncertain, and making plans or figuring out what to do next is hard, because what’s “next” is unknown. For some, that time might come when they get their heart broken; for others, that time comes when you are about to experience a big life change (graduation, anyone?). Clearly, there is no guide on how to live our lives or how to do things successfully. How can we battle the feel of being stuck?

1. Stop comparing yourself to others!

Every path is different from others. You might know feel stuck because you didn’t get the job you wanted, or maybe because you have switch majors a hundred times and still aren’t sure if it’s what you picture yourself doing for the rest of your life, but you can’t sit there and compare your situation to your friend who landed a killer summer internship or the girl in your class who loves what she does. Diversity is the spice of life, and there’s no universal formula to “getting there”, wherever “there” may mean for you. It is okay to look at others for inspiration, but don’t get caught up in anybody else’s successes or failures, because those things can make you feel bad about yourself. Everyone’s journey is different.

2. Don’t just sit back and wait for a miracle.

Don’t rush things and don’t get anxious, but don’t just sit back waiting for something to happen. Keep trying and don’t quit just because you’ve hit two or three walls. Failing at something gives you the opportunity to try different things and in different ways. Ending a relationship, finalizing that last chapter in your college life, or not getting another interview for the job you want hurts and it’s easy to get discouraged after that. The only one stopping you from getting what you want is yourself, and the only person you have to prove anything to is yourself. 

3. Be Patient.

It’s okay not to have your dream job, at least not yet. Oftentimes we get discouraged because no matter how hard we seem to try, we don’t see immediate results. We don’t realize that we have to work our butts off for a long time, gain experience, and go through all sorts of weird (and seemingly fruitless) phases before we end up where we meant to be.  That dream job will come but first you will have some jobs that you might not like or have seen yourself having. Your moment is coming. Remember that all this work experience is going to help in the future.

4. It’s okay to feel stuck.

I know how that sounds, but it is! Feeling stuck, not knowing what to do, and/or feeling uncertain about your next move helps you sit down and think about what you have done, what you are doing, and what you want to do. You can analyze where you’ve been, what you’ve tried, and where you are now. 

5. Have a little fun.

Just because you’re uncertain about the future doesn’t mean you have to stay in your room crying all day. Obsessing about how things haven’t gone the way you planned or dreamed about them isn’t the way to fix a problem, especially because stressing or psyching yourself out will do you no good. Go out and have a good time, exercise, travel, take up a new hobby…not only does trying out new things and meeting new people help time move faster, it might lead to new realizations that get you motivated and open up a whole different path for you.


Gabriela Cirilo is a Marketing student at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. She's currently an intern at the IT company and consulting firm Wovenware Inc. Gabriela is a social media and movie addict. She enjoys reading, swimming and listening to new music. Also she loves fashion...and history.