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HCUPR Contributor: Verónica Cádiz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

You may have seen her running around solving errands, maybe with her HC team by her side. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve read one of her articles. But there’s more to this girl. In just a short time this contributor has captured the heart of everyone here at HCUPR. We are extremely happy to have her on our team, so we decided she was going to be interviewed next! She is an adventurous girl with quite the peculiar tastes but I’m sure she is more than meets the eye. Without further ado….Verónica Cádiz!



Name: Veronica Cadiz Rodriguez

Age: 18

Classification: Freshman

Major: Accounting and trying to double major in Political Science

Relationship Status: Single !!

Hometown: Gurabo

Horoscope: Gemini


HCUPR: Tell me three words that describe you best.


Verónica: Determined, spontaneous and a foodie


  1. HCUPR: What is one thing you cannot live without?

  2. Verónica: Food. I love food. Food is life. Apart from the obvious need to survive, food brings a lot of benefits. Food unites people by bonding through the topic of food. It gives you comfort when you are angry, sad, and even happy. It can represent a culture and help you discover it through taste. Finally, by trying new food, you can expand your horizons on a personal and international aspect.


  1. HCUPR: What plans do you have for your major? Where do you see yourself after graduation?

  2. Verónica: I am planning to double major in Political Science and take electives in languages while continuing my major, Accounting. I have various plans for the future; the main one is working in Washington at the World Bank. The other ones are managing a newspaper or civil rights organization, or working at a public firm, I hope Pwc.


  1. HCUPR: What is your stance on coffee?

  2. Verónica: I don’t usually drink coffee because I am horrible at making it. I took lessons from my grandmother, but she just gave up at the end. Therefore, I drink when I eat breakfast at a place. Coffee with art on them are the best.


  1. HCUPR: What is your favorite Social Network? Why?

  2. Verónica: Does Youtube counts as a Social Network? I love Youtube because I can watch a glimpse of different countries and cultures thanks to the travel bloggers. Also, I love Buzzfeed videos. One night I stayed up till 6am watching them. I treat the Buzzfeed Staff as my friends, Quinta and Shane are the best.


  1. HCUPR: What motivated you to join Her Campus? What do you love about it?

  2. Verónica: When I was in high school I found out about Her Campus and I fell in love with the articles they shared. I was part of the High School Ambassador program and after, I decided that I would apply for the UPR Chapter. My motivation was my passion for writing articles and the desire of being part of an international successful web magazine such as Her Campus. I love having the opportunity of doing what I love, writing and meeting new people with different perspectives. I love how everyone in the organization is different with great new ideas but share a passion for writing.


  2. HCUPR: If you could give advice to your high school self, what would it be?

  3. Verónica: In high school everyone is generally identical, so don’t be afraid to just be yourself. Embrace what maybe at this point makes you feel less, but in the future will make you YOU. Also, horrible things are going to happen but just remember what Dumbledore said ““Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” (I know, I am a geek).  Always look for the positive in life and hold on to that, no matter what.


  1. HCUPR: What qualities do you look for in a partner?

  2. Verónica: I look for someone who is genuinely funny, not someone who is funny because of his racist and derogatory “jokes”. Someone who is intelligent, not that he has 4.0, but that he can talk about different topics while being humble about it. I would like for him to be spontaneous, I get bored really fast so I need something new once in a while. Also, I like someone who is independent and has goals in life. Physically, I don’t care but if he has a beard, even if it’s cliché, BONUS POINTS!


  1. HCUPR: Ideal date…GO!

  2. Verónica: My ideal date… Depends if it is the first date or just a normal date with my partner. If it’s the first date, then drinking beers at a bar with a band playing. It is great for talking and if it gets awkward, just hear the music. However, if it’s with my partner then something adventurous like kayaking, hiking or a spur of the moment trip to Vieques.  


  1. HCUPR: Valentine’s Day is around the corner…what is a big no-no for a present?

  2. Verónica: My big no-no is all the typical “cheesy” gifts. Jewelry is expensive and I usually don’t use it. Teddy bears, I am extremely allergic and I’ll just put it in a bag. Flowers, they die fast. It’s not that I am difficult but I prefer something creative or spend the money in an experience for both of us.



Double Major Student in Human Resources and Marketing Management. She loves Social Networks, Netflix and spending time with books once in a while. She is the oldest of three children therefore she is very responsible, humble and driven. On her spare time she manages to find time to talk to a camera over at her Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/AshleyMarie9521. She wants to change the world, doesn't know how yet but she wants to. "Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top."