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Get The London Look With Alejandra Ramos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.


Alejandra Ramos isn’t just any run of the mill Puerto Rican model, she’s an international model. In 2009 she won La Cara de Imagen Rimmel London competition, since then she has appeared alongside Kate Moss and Solange Knowles in ad campaigns. This 20-year-old PR student is quite the catch. Alejandra shared her views on how modeling has changed her life and all the excitement she has been living while working with Rimmel London. Her Campus UPR has the complete scoop. 

  1. HCUPR: How did you get into modeling?

Alejandra: I always knew I wanted to be a model. I was always very shy. One time I was walking in Plaza Las Americas and they made the approach to participate in a modeling competition and I happened to win.

  1. HCUPR: How was it when you first started?

Alejandra: I got in super fast in the agency. Luis Antonio and Stella hired me in every casting. Everything happened really fast. You learn a lot and meet a lot of people. I won a lot of competitions like Rimmel that offered me a contract for 3 years.


3. HCUPR: How has your experience with Rimmel been?

Alejandra: I have traveled a lot, to London, Los Angeles, New York and Venezuela. Its like a completely different lifestyle. Staying at the most expensive hotels, everything is very fashion, as if I was famous. I got to meet a lot of people like Solange Knowles, Zooey Deschanel and Kate Moss.

4. HCUPR: How has modeling helped you?

Alejandra: I live off it. I pay for everything with the money I make off it, apartment, cellphone, car and even dentist. Now I am really confident because of the modeling.

5. HCUPR: Is modeling your top priority?

Alejandra: I really want to finish studying and I would also like to send a few photos to Miami. If I can’t find anything in modeling, I guess I’ll have to find another job. If I do my master’s degree I want to do it in marketing.

6. HCUPR: What’s the most important thing a model should do?


Alejandra: Your attitude. You can’t base what you do on what people say. The most important thing is perseverance and to never quit. Just like with everything else in life, really.

Alejandra finished the interview by saying with certainty: “I want to live this life.” With big beauty and even bigger determination, we have no doubt that she will. This Puerto Rican beauty will be walking the Victoria Secret Fashion show in no time.


*Click on the next page to read in Spanish

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Alejandra Ramos no es otra modelo puertorriqueña común y corriente, es una modelo reconocida internacionalmente. En el 2009 ganó la competencia de La Cara de Imagen Rimmel London, y desde ahí ha aparecido con Kate Moss y Solange Knowles en campañas para la marca. Esta estudiante de veintiún años de relaciones públicas es alguien por quien velar. Alejandra le hablo a Her Campus sobre la su experiencia modelando para Rimmel London y como el modelaje ha cambiado su vida.


1.        HCUPR: ¿Qué te motivó perseguir una carrera en el modelaje?

Alejandra: Siempre supe que quise ser modelo. Yo era bien timida. Un dia estaba por plaza y me hicieron el acercamiento de participar en una competencia y dio la casualidad que gane.


2.        HCUPR: ¿Cómo lanzaste tu carrera en el modelaje?

Alejandra: Yo entré rápido a la agencia. Luis antonio y Stella me cogian en todos los castings. A mi todo me paso super rapido. Uno aprende y conoce mucha gente. Gane muchos concursos, como el de Rimmel que fue un contrato de 3 años con una marca internacional.


3.       HCUPR: ¿Cómo ha sido tu experiencia trabajando con Rimmel London?

Alejandra: Yo he viajado a los ángeles a Londres, Nueva York, Los Ángeles y Venezuela. Es como un estilo de vida completamente diferente. Me estaba quedando en los hoteles más caro. Es todo bien fashion, como si fuera super famosa.Conocí a mucha gente como a Solange Knowles, Zooey Deschanel y Kate Moss.

4.       HCUPR: ¿En qué te ha ayudado el modelaje en tu vida?  

Alejandra: Yo me pago todo con los chavos el modelaje, apartamento, celular, carro, dentista. Ahora soy bien segura de mi misma por el modelaje.


5.       HCUPR: ¿El modelaje es tu prioridad en estos momentos?

Alejandra: Yo quiero primero acabar de estudiar y me gustaría enviar varias fotos a miami. Si no hago nada pues me tendré que buscar otro trabajo, pero me encantaría vivir del modelaje. Si hago maestría fuera en mercadeo.


6.      HCUPR: ¿Qué es lo más importante que una modelo debe tener?

 Alejandra: Tu actitud, no te puedes dejar llevar por todo lo que te digan. Lo más importante es la perseverancia y no quitarte. Como con todo en la vida en verdad.


Alejandra terminó la entrevista diciendo con certeza “Yo quiero vivir esta vida.” Con tanta belleza y con aún más determinación, no tenemos ninguna duda de que lo hará. Esta belleza puertorriqueña estará caminando por la pasarela del Victoria Secret Fashion Show, en cuestión de nada.


*The pictures were taken from: Alejandra Ramos’ Facebook Page


Suzzette Martinez Malavet is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras studying Information and Journalism. She loves photography, shoes, fashion, social media, traveling and exercising outdoors. She has interned at the Capitol of Puerto Rico, Diálogo Digital, Wapa TV, Telemundo Network, U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions and the Corporate Communication/Sales & Marketing Department of the U.S. Mint in DC, but her proudest accomplishment was in Spring 2013 when she founded the very first HC Chapter in Puerto Rico, Her Campus UPR. Suzzette is currently the Chapter Advisor of Her Campus American University, Marymount, William & Mary, and GW. She is also a returning intern this semester at the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions. This 22-year-old woman is the most career-driven individual you will ever meet. If you want to know a little more about her...if you want to know what makes her tick and what inspires her the most...Unlock the mystery by reading some of her awesome articles!