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Style > Fashion

Fall Outfit Ideas for if You Don’t Like the Fall “Color Palette”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

I don’t hold some sort of vendetta against the saturated, deep and earthy tones of fall. They’re beautiful, but here’s the thing, as a lover of all things frilly, bright and colorful, I usually try to compromise between the things I like to wear, while also being in harmony with the seasons. Here’s some of the things I’ve implemented into my own outfits as of late, in honor of that cozy and magical autumn feeling: 

Paying attention to lines and shapes

If there’s anything you should take away from this list, that I think will guarantee success in merging personal style with a season, is paying attention to the usual shapes of that season’s “classic” outfits. For example, when I hear ‘fall’, my brain is instantly flooded with images of long trousers, boots or chunky loafers, rich sweaters and cozy cardigans. For this very reason, I’ve been loving implementing things like Mary Janes with frilly socks, “oversized” tan pants and dark skirts, and merging them with the lighter, pastel, and frilly items that I already own. 

I’ve found that paying attention to the overall lines and shapes of these archetypal fall items help, and pairing them with your particular dressing preferences can make any outfit reminiscent of that very dark, cozy, and even dramatic essence of fall.

Combining textures

One of the things which I have recently started paying more attention to when it comes to clothes is textures, because I feel like having different sensorial elements makes for such a visually interesting outfit.  Especially when we’re talking about autumn, which to me is synonymous to things like knit, leather, corduroy, and all of these rich and full fabrics.  

I think, if anyone does this beautifully, in their very own unique way, is internet personality, Marzia Kjellberg, whose fun, charming, and cohesive way of exploring her personal style has turned her into one of my own personal fashion heroes. 

The nice thing about playing with texture is that it can be easily implemented through your accessories, like jackets, cardigans, and shoes, which makes it easy to repurpose your clothes all year long, by just switching out certain elements. 


Layering is one of the things that my mind jumps to when I think of the classic “fall outfit.” Now, living in the tropics, where weather in September is barely starting to get cooler, this seems to be more of a death sentence than a fashion tip. However, this layering can happen with jewelry, jackets, long socks with sneakers, etc. It’s really more to do with the richness of elements than an effort in remaining warm.

Honestly, just do you 

I will always be an adamant defender for the point of fashion being to have fun and expressing yourself through your clothes. It should never be a procedure that involves rules and steps, so I guess my biggest tip is really to wear whatever makes you feel good. With that being said, I hope this guide helps for next time you’re thinking about what fall worthy outfit to put together next!

Andrea I. Rodríguez Nieves is a writer for Her Campus at UPR, where she is currently working on writing articles. Some of her topics of interest include fashion, lifestyle, productivity, amongst others. At present, she is coursing her third year at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, where she is majoring in Political Sciences, but with eyes set on Comparative Literature. Under an internship at Seed Academy, a platform seeking to educate independent artists on the music business, she developed some educational articles on royalties, strategies for digital marketing, and others. She has also worked a summer at the Municipality of Cayey’s Public Relations division, where she was given the task of digitizing historical documents. Her hobbies include crocheting, making music, playing video games, and going on long walks. She is a matcha enthusiast, lover of anything fashion related and a resident cat lover. Her ultimate goals in life are opening a boba store in her hometown, as well as being a full-time writer.