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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Eating healthy is difficult in college. It’s expensive, takes too much time, and honestly, it isn’t that important right now. It’s normal for college students to be pressed for time, under a lot of stress and eating on the go. That’s why we don’t take it seriously when it comes to educating ourselves about our health. 
Now that we’re in college, we have tons of responsibilities that we didn’t have back in high school. Whether it’s work, internships, classes, sports or exercising, we all have different schedules. Clearly, it’s not easy to tackle a health problem by worrying about everything but that.

So what happens if you want to eat healthy but you’re broke? The UPR has many places with healthy eating affordable and doable in any budget. The nutrition student, Kiara Hérnandez gave us some tips to survive our college experience by eating healthy and maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle.

“You can go to Quiznos and buy a chicken noodle soup with a salad on the side. Whether it’s oatmeal with bread or a big breakfast with fruits, try to eat in the morning.”, Kiara says. But the thing is that sometimes students choose to oversleep and then go running to their classes with an empty stomach. “If they eat well in the morning, they’re going to be able to control the hunger and eat a healthy lunch. Fact is that they choose not to.”

If you only have a few minutes between classes, make them count by eating healthy in some of these places located on campus. Places like Café Café in front of the School of Communication, Boca Boca in Naturales, Black Coffee in Derecho, Casa Lima in front of Generales, Merenderos in Sociales and eat some healthy wraps in Mamisongas located in between of Educación and Humanidades.

There’s no excuse for eating junk food. If you plan ahead of time, you can avoid indulging on some quick fix from a fast food or a vending machine that may be high in fat. So stash your backpacks with some healthy snacks and remember to always eat some breakfast to take on the day. It’s time to start worrying about your health! 

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Come saludable en la UPI

¿Recuerdas la cafetería de tu escuela superior? ¿Esos sabrosos y económicos menús con especiales diarios que nos llenaban el estómago como para no comer hasta el próximo día?Ahora somos universitarios y tenemos otras responsabilidades. Nuestro tiempo nos consume trabajando, haciendo prácticas universitarias, formamos parte de distintos grupos universitario, salimos, la universidad académicamente es mucho más fuerte, etc. Por tal razón, la mayoría de nosotros que no somos deportistas y no tenemos una dieta balanceada, nos descuidamos a la hora de comer y por la prisa y ajoro del dia comemos cualquier cosa que encontremos. 

Esto sin mencionar que si tenemos responsabilidades implica que muchos nos costeamos las comidas que a veces no son solo almuerzo, si no también desayuno y una que otra merienda. Esto causa en los estudiantes una cierta inquietud a la hora de gastar para comer, y optan por comprar lo mas económico que vienen siendo “fast foods” como Burger King y McDonald’s.Pero estudiantes, aquí en la UPRRP tenemos una gran variedad de restaurantes y cafetería que son saludables y tienen un precio módico que se ajusta a tu bolsillo. Una estudiante de nutrición, Kiara Hernández, nos dio varios tips como por ejemplo: “ Puedes ir a Quiznos y comprar una sopa “chicken noodles” y una ensalada. También desayuna fuerte y añádele frutas al desayuno; pueden comer avena, tostadas …  pero los estudiantes optan por seguir durmiendo y levantarse a última hora para clases y no desayunan. Si desayunan bien en la casa, van a poder controlar el hambre y comer un almuerzo nutritivo ya que no tiene  que buscar comer demás para abastecerse. Optan por comer mal, es todo.”
Hay lugares que venden verduras como la Cafetería Café Café frente a COPU; en Boca a Boca en Naturales, en Derecho o en Casa Lima venden buenos ‘Wraps’; Las “Mamis” frente a Educación venden comida vegetariana, ensaladas, sándwiches que tiene hasta zanahorias, burritos muy sabrosos y que llenan a cualquiera; tenemos en los merenderos en Shimri donde venden comida criolla y si está muy lleno, cruza y llégale a la Avenida Universidad para comer en  Quiznos o en Subway. Tenemos las opciones, así que no esperes más y ¡aliméntate bien por tu salud! No dejes que esas libras demás te sigan consumiendo.

*The pictures were taken from:






English version by Suzzette M. Martínez and Spanish version by Omayra Gónzalez


Studying Journalism at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. Animal lover, sociable and very passionate.
Suzzette Martinez Malavet is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras studying Information and Journalism. She loves photography, shoes, fashion, social media, traveling and exercising outdoors. She has interned at the Capitol of Puerto Rico, Diálogo Digital, Wapa TV, Telemundo Network, U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions and the Corporate Communication/Sales & Marketing Department of the U.S. Mint in DC, but her proudest accomplishment was in Spring 2013 when she founded the very first HC Chapter in Puerto Rico, Her Campus UPR. Suzzette is currently the Chapter Advisor of Her Campus American University, Marymount, William & Mary, and GW. She is also a returning intern this semester at the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions. This 22-year-old woman is the most career-driven individual you will ever meet. If you want to know a little more about her...if you want to know what makes her tick and what inspires her the most...Unlock the mystery by reading some of her awesome articles!