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Best Coffee Shop On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

I remember the first time that I stepped foot on campus. Lost and confused I quickly ducked into the first welcoming place nearby, this cute little house-looking coffee shop surrounded by trees. The line was huge and the brewing coffee smell intoxicating, so I assumed it must be good.

Casa Lima is what kick-started my addiction to coffee. Apart from its delicious coffee and treats, its quaint and cute appearance gave it an authentic New York coffee shop feel. Located in front of the General Studies building (mostly freshmen), it’s a place where students normally hang out and catch up Unlike many other coffee places on campus, Casa Lima actually has different variations of coffee that will keep you up in class. 


It’s one of the rare places on campus that feels like a student hangout spot and you don’t have to feel like you are getting your morning workout getting there. It’s one of the rare food places that is not located on a specific faculty. Its central location is one of the many reasons why it’s a student and faculty favorite. 


There is nothing like sitting down in one of the few air-conditioned locals on campus in between classes and plugging in your computer to do some long overdue homework. Or if it’s nice and breezy, sit on the benches on the tiny front yard surrounded by trees and people watch. 
The line may be long, but for a chocolate and Nutella cupcake and a white mocha frap with real creamy whip cream, it’s definitely worth the wait.