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Because Dreams Are Not Just Dreams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

In this life, we all share the same question. What is our purpose? In search of an answer to this question, we use our lifetime attempting to create one. We begin by establishing goals. Then, little by little, we reap the fruit of our achievements until we can understand what we’re really supposed to be doing here, standing on a planet that’s part of a remote solar system. I make this approach because there are families, parents, young people, and children that at this moment face the possible threat of having this necessary process interrupted, this process of writing your own story, this process of fulfilling a dream.​

Still, don’t know what I mean? I’m not talking about anything more and nothing less than the terrible promise that president  Donald Trump has made by threatening to end the DACA program,

This program allows immigrant children to have an education and to be job opportunities without the worry of being deported. As soon as the president ends the program, thousands of people will be deported.  A lot of these children do not even speak the language of “their” country and have never even stepped on what is the foreign land to them. All these people will have their dreams taken from their hands. We will have snatched those dreams away just like that, as the flowers that grow in a meadow are plucked.

It takes courage to be able to persist in this battle. The battle that has in its hands the future of those who are and those who will come. We need to unite voices, hands, and everything to raise awareness in those who sit in nice chairs and pretend to lose sensitivity to achieve their own merits.

For those who read this article and belong to the group of people who sleep and only have nightmares of deportation: know that we are here for you. We are here to bring awareness about your situation, to talk about the situation, and to shout at the top of our lungs our discontent at the possible ending of the DACA program, because dreams are not just dreams. We all deserve to turn those dreams into a reality of well-being and happiness with those we love the most. Nobody can come to take everything away you have worked the most. Remember that you are strong and have in mind that you must never surrender, even if the reasons are enough to do it.

If you want to join the cause, there are ways you can help.

Go to the DoSomething.com page and sign the petition. You can also make a call to Congress and respectfully express what you understand about the act of ending the DACA program. It does not matter if you are under 18, we all have the right to express how we feel and do not agree with the decisions that are being made. Believe in unity and brotherhood. A better tomorrow depends on them.


Image Credits: Boy reaching for stars image via Shutterstock & Dreamer Image credits to Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Paola is a young writer who enjoys sharing advice and helping others. She is currently finishing a BA in Statistics and likes to use her spare time to have fun with friends and family.