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7 Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Galentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

First thing, what is Galentine’s Day? Well, the concept was first introduced by Leslie Knope, main character of the famous NBC show, Parks & Recreation, played by Amy Poehler. In Knope’s words, “February 14th, Valentine’s Day, is about romance. But February 13th, Galentine’s Day, is about celebrating lady friends. It’s wonderful and it should be a national holiday.”

Here are seven reasons why you should celebrate it with your special lady friends!

1.   Girls just wanna have fun.

Throw a party with your best gal pals, including some karaoke, all-you-can-eat ice cream and order some Chinese take-out or pizza. Do whatever the hell you want, as long as you’re having fun with your soul sister.

​​​2.   Alcohol? Where?

In the patriarchal society we live in, it’s hard to go out, have fun, and get drunk without being scared all the time of what people may think of you, or worse, get raped. That’s what girl’s night in is for! But in the words of someone I know, “If you drink , you don’t love yourself!” Don’t be afraid to splurge a little.


3.   “So…are you dating? Do you have a boyfriend?”

Unlike awkward family reunions, when you’re with your girls you can either talk about boys, or just not waste your time on even thinking about them. The second option is usually better. Why is a “boy” in my life so important anyway? I have my lady friends to take over the world with.


4.      Treat yo’ self.

If you’ve seen the show, you know this is the best lesson ever taught. Whether it’s a mani-pedi or a pint of ice cream, do whatever makes you happy on this day with your friends. Also encourage your friends to do the same. To hell with diets and society’s standards!


5.   Being yourself is like taking your bra off after a long day.

On the same note, don’t be afraid to wear shorts because you haven’t shaved or you think your thighs are too big; to hell with that! Make Galentine’s day the first day you stopped caring about what society wants you to be, and start being what makes you feel best and most comfortable. But also, besides being comfortable with yourself, be comfortable with your friends. If you feel like you have to hide certain things from them, maybe they’re not the best choice for Galentine’s Day.


6.   Love yourself and cherish each other!

Please don’t miss the whole point of Galentine’s day: it’s not to talk trash about boys, girls, or anyone, it’s a day to cherish yourself and your lovely friends. Hug them, give them homemade gifts, bring wine and brownies, and make them feel loved.



7.   Galentine’s Weekend?

Yeah, make it happen! Valentine’s Day is on the next day, a Sunday this year, so if you have no plans, why not just make it a whole weekend of fun and love? Hooray for friendship! Worst case scenario: you’re tired on Monday for classes. But no fear! Just go in like this:

Just remember, Galentine’s Day is more than just junk food and alcohol. It’s a great day to just wind down and take in the beauty of your lovely lady friends. We girls got to stick together, paise each other, and maybe even dismantle the patriarchy…just sayin’. Happy Galentine’s Day everyone! Hope you have a good one!

Victoria is a Foreign Languages major, striving to enjoy every corner the world has to offer. She can't paint inside the lines, she's a feminist, and strong believer of rock and roll. Her hobbies include reading, karate, watching Spongebob Squarepants re-runs, and playing with Photoshop. Her hopes for the future include seeing the first female Secretary General of the United Nations, studying in three different continents, less global poverty and more kids getting the education they deserve.