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5 Candle & Book Mash-Ups Will Keep You Cozy All Autumn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

The leaves are turning orange and the weather is getting lower: fall has officially arrived. Well, in my case, it’s still as hot as it was in summer. Cons of living in Puerto Rico, but that doesn’t deprive me of that wholesome feeling of wanting to curl up in bed with a good book and a lit candle. Some books just read better if you have specific candles.

Pumpkin Spice + Harry Potter Saga

Judge me all you want, but pumpkin spice is what fall is all about! So, of course, a pumpkin spice scented candle had to be number one. What better book to read with than any of the seven Harry Potter books? Though you’ve probably read them already, the Harry Potter books are great for re-reading and if you’ve never read them, this is the perfect opportunity—granted you have time to unwind after classes. You can get a delicious Pumpkin Spice Candle through SweetWaterDecor’s Etsy.

Apple Caramel + To All The Boys trilogy

The To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy matches well with an Apple Caramel scent since they’re both just as sweet. The trilogy tells a story about an introverted teenage girl who writes letters to every one of her crushes. She does this so she’ll get over them as if she’s confessing. But something happens when all the letters get sent out by accident. Her life completely changes! Smell TeresaLynnsSimpleLux candle.

Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla + An Enchantment Of Ravens

If you’re in the mood for fantasy, An Enchantment Of Ravens is the book for you. In short, the novel tells the love story of a painter and a fairy prince. Nothing much too autumny yet, but then you realize it takes place in an autumn realm. It’s perfect for the season and it’s lovely to read with a cinnamon-spiced vanilla-scented candle.

Mahogany Teakwood + Stalking Jack The Rippe

Of course, I had to recommend a creepy horror novel near Halloween: Stalking Jack The Ripper. It’s based on the Ripper murders in London 1800s, while simultaneously involving a love story between a woman and her uncle’s laboratory apprentice. The creepiness can only be accompanied by an intense mahogany teakwood scented candle.

Hot Cocoa + The Girl On The Train

Lastly, some psychological thriller definitely had to be added to the list. The Girl On The Train presents a woman who takes a train daily and is currently found watching the people on the houses that go by, especially a couple. After she sees something shocking, everything changes for her. In order to calm your tension while reading this novel, what better than Hot Cocoa scent? After all, chocolate is always a good idea.

Everyone deserves relaxation time among the stress of midterms, so as long as you don’t prejudice your assignments or exams, don’t feel guilty for taking a break to read. After all, reading is a healthy way to exercise your mind while being entertained. So sit back, light a candle and get to reading! You can purchase any of the books mentioned at The Bookmark, a lovely local book store!

Alanys Vazquez is a Comparative Literature student in the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. She loves books, the beach and speaking out on her beliefs.
Antoinette Luna is a Performance Studies and Comparative Literature major at the UPR. Her passions include writing, reading, and anything crafty. She loves to sew, write, and make things from scratch. DIY is the name of her game. Around campus, she is known as a bubbly young woman who goes by just Luna. Her future goals include traveling, traveling, and more traveling. Outspoken transfeminist, and wannabe activist, she's out to set fires.