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Why you should read “Scarlet Rose & Growth” by Norah Shazad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

I had the opportunity to interview and speak with the future bestselling author Norah Shazad. Norah Shazad is only 19 years old. She is a published author and I wanted to ask her a few questions about her latest piece, “Scarlet Rose & Growth.”

What was your inspiration for the book?

“My inspiration for the book was that, for years I would write poetry and keep them to myself. I always thought that because I wasn’t too invested in “normal hobbies” that nobody would support me to my journey. Coming to college, I visited Poetic Justice, an organization on campus, a few times, and this helped me branch out a little more. I started performing at poetry slams and soon enough decided to put all 4 years of my poetry work, into a beautiful book.”

What is your favorite poem from your book?

“My favorite poem from the book would be ‘If Healing Made a Home Inside of Me’ on page 118.”

Do you want to write more books?

“Yes definitely, I am currently working on my second book, which is planned to be released early 2021. I want to continue to write poetry for as long as I am able, it’s an excellent coping method for me and helps others as well.”

 What’s the hardest part about publishing your book? Most rewarding?

“The hardest part was doing the cover. I didn’t know anybody that could do cover art, so I ended up going in and making the cover myself. I did each stroke one by one and the cover altogether took me almost a week to make. The most rewarding was getting my words out there. I was always very skeptical because I don’t like being vulnerable to others, it makes me feel “weak” in a sense. But I realized that I’m just human, and emotions are a part of us. Months later, people come telling me that they’ve been feeling the exact same way I have, and my words help with that. The most rewarding part is helping others.”

What advice would give aspiring writers?

“The advice I would give is don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Put your heart into your work, and it’ll show. Only surround yourself with those who support you, and just keep going. You are a beauty.”

What are your career goals?

“My career goal is to become a child psychologist while continuing to write poetry. My goal is that I will make the bestselling authors list one day.”

Anything you’d like to add?

“Just always remember that you are a soldier, and you will always get past anything that may stumble your path. You will be at peace with life.”


Where you can buy her book:

“Scarlet Rose & Growth” by Norah Shazad.


I am currently a Marketing major with a Professional Selling concentration. I love going on mini adventures, exploring new spots in the city and of course a good cup of coffee. Follow me along the way!