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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.





If you haven’t been told this a thousand times already, please vote this November. With so many important and crucial decisions on the line, your voice means more now than ever before. 

With access to abortion is getting more scarce, voting against Trump – and the prolife movement –  is a vote to save a woman’s right to choose. Keeping abortion safe and legal gives women the right to autonomy of their own body, which is something we all deserve. Banning abortion criminalizes women. Save our right to choose and vote this November. 

Even with the Supreme Court’s ruling over DACA, more and more restrictions of the program continue to roll out. Even so, USCIS is still not accepting new DACA applications despite the court ruling it was unconstitutional of Trump to remove it the way he did. Save DACA and provide a real and logical pathway to citizenship for all immigrants and vote this November.

Even during the middle of a pandemic, conservative lawmakers are still pushing to end the Affordable Care Act and take away healthcare from thousands of Americans. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Protect that right and vote this November. 

Racial inequality and police brutality is rampant throughout the United States. All lives can’t matter until black lives do. Stop letting the police get away with murder and vote this November. 

The climate crisis is an increasing issue across the world, and yet, America has pulled out of the Paris agreement and makes no strides in attempting to save the environment from the irrevocable damage humans have already done. Help create and save a future for our children and vote this November. 

There are countless issues that will be decided on within the next four years, even a Supreme Court nominee if the Senate denies Trump’s initial nominee. If there’s no issue personally affecting you, please vote with those less fortunate than you in mind. You have a civic duty to go and cast your vote. Do it to not only represent yourself, but to represent all of those in America that lack any means of expressing their voice.

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