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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

College is stressful, this isn’t news. With classes, work, and a thriving social life to keep up with, it’s hard to find time to take care of ourselves. However, sometimes, we need to say no to friends, set down our notebooks and just have a night to ourselves. Below is the step-by-step process for the night in you deserve that I have perfected over the years. 


Step 1: Unplug


Easier said than done, I know. But what causes us the most stress is often information coming from our phones. Even if it’s just for an hour or two, make a conscious effort to not look down at the little screen we always have attached to our hip. It’s nice to be present in the moment, to allow yourself to be alone with yourself and self-reflect. Turn on Netflix or crack open a good book and let your mind escape from the constant DMs, snaps, and texts.  


Step 2: Clothes off, Pajamas On 


Nothing feels better than taking off those super cute, but uncomfortable, clothes at the end of a long day. Find your cutest, most comfortable PJs and get into them! Take off that makeup, throw your hair up, and snuggle up. 


Step 3: Relaxation, Relaxation, and More Relaxation 


Light some candles, put on a face mask, run a bath, or all of the above! Relaxation is so important in order for you to rejuvenate and be able to be the best possible you. Put on some chill music and just enjoy the alone time. 


Step 4: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 


Wait, I thought the whole point of this was to be comfortable? Well, yes, it is. But that doesn’t mean you can’t challenge yourself and try something new. Haven’t been active in a while? Try some yoga. Don’t know how to cook? Find a recipe on Pinterest and make the best possible dinner for yourself you possibly can. Don’t like to read? Read one chapter of a book, and books you have to read for a class don’t count. 


It’s hard to find time for a night in, but it’s vital for our mental and physical health. Taking time to reconnect with ourselves is an important part of life that is often overlooked. So, say no to the party, put down the textbook, and have an amazing night all to yourself.


Junior at UNT studying History and Pre-Law. When I'm not reading, I enjoy baking, yoga, and watching 2000s Rom Coms.
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.