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Safety Precautions Every Student Should Take on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

Usually when our college gets publicity, it’s a good thing. However, the last two times UNT has been in the news, it’s been for the most unfortunate of reasons. Both events–the shooting that took place on New Years Eve and the vandalizing of student apartments that occurred earlier during Winter Break–rocked our university to its very core. It makes me re-think what my friends and I are doing to protect ourselves as well as what more we could be doing to ensure our safety. This article aims to give tips that all women at UNT can use not only to stay safe ourselves but to keep our campus safe as a whole.

Travel in groups. 

They weren’t lying when they said there’s safety in numbers. Whether you’re walking back to your dorm from a late class or a night of going out on the Denton Square, you should always make sure there are two or three other people with you. Not only does this lessen your risk of being approached by a shady character, but it also ensures that you and your friends are aware of where each other are. Now, I’m not saying to hot glue yourself to your roommate and follow him or her into the bathroom. But be aware of your surroundings and if at all possible, walk with someone else when you’re outside. In case you don’t have anyone near you, apps such as Companion allow students in the area to monitor your position until you’ve reached your destination safely.

Carry pepper spray. 

Pocket knives make me nervous, and they are, in some cases, more dangerous to you than Mace. Relatively cheap and easily accessible, pepper spray is available at most retail stores such as Walmart and Target. It’s easily concealed and, if attached to your key chain or backpack, can be easily reached. You should test out your pepper spray (wear a mask!) at least once every few months to make sure it works properly.

Don’t stop for strangers. 

As students and females in general, it’s our instinct to reach out to someone our age who asks for help. But the unfortunate truth is that you never know who is safe to speak to or not. If you’re driving and it’s dark, don’t pull over for someone who waves you down unless you know them. Don’t stop walking to speak to a stranger who approaches you either.

Learn self defense. 

There is no better weapon or advantage than using your own body to defend yourself. Whether you’re petite or 6 feet tall, there are certain moves every person can learn to escape a predator and/or protect themselves. If you don’t have access to self-defense classes, YouTube videos are your friend. If you can spend three hours watching Sephora hauls, you can spend fifteen minutes learning safety maneuvers, too. Practice with your friends to make it more enjoyable and teach others as well.

Don’t be afraid to contact help. 

The UNT police are available 24/7 at 940-565-3000 if you’re on or around campus, and the Denton police can be reached by calling 911. If you see or experience any suspicious activity at all, don’t be afraid to reach out and let someone know. Not only will this allow someone to monitor your situation, but it will also bring to light certain circumstances that the whole university needs to be aware of.

Stay smart and powerful out there, collegiettes, and don’t forget to take the necessary precautions to stay safe!

Orooj Syed is a senior at the University of North Texas, majoring in Biology and minoring in Criminal Justice. Between balancing her academics and extracurricular activities, she enjoys finding new places to travel and new foods to eat. Writing has always been one of her greatest passions and, next to sleeping, she considers it a form of free therapy.