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Organizational Tools that will Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

College is difficult. It is even more difficult when you’re managing organizations, homework, free time, and work. Here’s my top 5 favorite organizational tools that will change your life. If you don’t have these, I suggest getting them!

1. WidgetCal

This bad boy is my favorite calendar of all time. It is free in the app store (of course!). You can add it as a widget to your iPhone, then all you have to do is swipe and you have a full calendar you can see. Customizing font, size, view, and background. It helps give you a quick overview of your week, or even month. If you’re in a rush, a quick glance could save your entire schedule. 

2. A planner

If you don’t have a planner, how have you made it this far? I commend you. I write everything down… meetings, homework, classes, parties, grocery lists. I mean everything. I color code all my classes and organizations, and it’s the most effective tool for me.  I use a monthly-view planner because I can’t do week by week! Use whatever your preference is. Get yourself a cute $4 planner or a $24 planner–whatever helps keep you organized. All that matters is writing down and seeing what you need to do. 

3. Google Calendar

A google calendar can be added to your phone or laptop. It can even sync to the WidgeCal! You can color code it, print it, and even share it. You can share it with classmates or coworkers. 

4. Wall calendar

Yes, you heard that right. It’s not an app. It’s an actual calendar you stick on your wall. Chalk and dry erase are the best. You can see it when you wake up. Or maybe your family and roommates need to coordinate schedules and this is the best way to do so. 

5. Sticky Notes

Sometimes I don’t have the time to put something super important or temporary in my planner, so I just write it on a sticky note and stick it inside my planner. This is easier so I can remember to do it later instead of forgetting completely. 

Stay organized and have fun!


I am currently a Marketing major with a Professional Selling concentration. I love going on mini adventures, exploring new spots in the city and of course a good cup of coffee. Follow me along the way!
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.