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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

Advice comes in many forms and from many inspiring people. It may be from a song, book, or movie. I have learned many great pieces of advice from many different sources which have kept me moving and remaining positive in this roller coaster we all call life. The best piece of advice I have received came from my chemistry teacher when I asked her a question: “How does one remain motivated to fulfill one’s dreams and aspirations if one has a procrastination problem?” Mrs. Wilson’s response was: “How many times will you continue to disappoint yourself?” This is the best advice I have ever received because I truly have an unfortunate problem with procrastination, feeling unmotivated, and indolence. The advice indicates that hard work leads to progress. These words always remind me to remain motivated even when I have no desire to do so.

The phrase “how many times will you continue to disappoint yourself” is a very realistic question to a person that has all the desires to be great and successful, but is not putting any effort to accomplish these aspirations. Personally, I like to parallel this phrase with the proverb “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride them.” This proverb simply means if one could readily have what one wants, life would be easy. It is very easy to wish, dream, and aspire for greatness, but if one does not put in the work to accomplish one’s dreams, success will never come one’s way. Unfortunately, life is not easy, and like the wise Fredrick Douglass once stated: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

This life is too short to waste it on dreaming without achieving one’s goals. Any dream one may have is always possible, so one must always turn dreams into reality. If this is done, it can guarantee a life worth living!

As an aspiring young author, I Akume Oben has always loved to write since the fourth grade. Although I am not the biggest reader, I truly enjoy writing about my feeling, opinions and events. I am currently a student at the University of North Texas and also aspiring to become a lawyer in a few years. I am no artist but I can definitely create something interesting on paper